With the assassin showing itself on the battlefield, it is safe to say that this person is also aiming for the head of Abraham,

“I have waited this long. I haven’t seen this kind of battle in years, and I have to say. Abraham Warlock, you sure do know how to stir things up even though you never intended to and was just catching leads about me.” The assassin says in its muffled voice under the mask that is covering the assassin’s whole face.

Abraham who is a completely different person now just grinned as he finally found a real challenge. However, he then realized that Angel was killed, which means that he would most likely take the blame for it, but his other self does not care. Abraham has this obsession to kill and finally clear their job in this island, however, this assassin is too strong for Abraham. The two broke away from each other as the other Abraham is now trying to figure things out. Deep inside him lies the real Abraham, waiting to be set free. Since he was trapped and i
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