7 ratings


By: Sage Athalar CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 163 views: 37.3K

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Nikaeleon Roch... A name once unknown, now whispered in fear. ~ After spending time in jail for a crime he didn't commit, Nik finds out that he had been betrayed in the worst way possible. His best friend and girlfriend were getting married, his best friend had stolen his company and all that he owned, and they had planned the event that had sent him to prison. They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but for Nik, revenge is best served with pain and blood. He left penniless and returned as the king of the underworld. And he's back for all who wronged him.

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  • Sage Athalar


    I just signed a new book... RETURN OF THE FORGETFUL HEIR. You can check it out too. Thank youuu!

    2023-09-23 02:50:42
  • Sage Athalar


    My sister also has a book for werewolf dark romance readers, originally on Good novel but can also be found on Mega novel. Book name; ALPHA GAVRAEL by Ethereal Ink. You can check it out too. Thanks!

    2023-06-25 18:53:35
  • Sage Athalar


    Hello everyone. please check out my new book on this app. RISE OF THE DISCARDED SON IN LAW. Thanks!

    2023-06-22 05:33:36
  • Snowwriter


    This is a good story, I love it..

    2023-02-14 01:43:28
  • Estypen


    Interesting storyline. I'm loving it....

    2023-02-09 04:46:52
  • Akelachi Adele Allen


    So far, I'm loving the book...️

    2023-01-23 01:15:32
  • Ernest Mathakhoe


    Am in love with this book, please keep up the great work

    2023-06-11 03:09:36
Latest Chapter
163 chapters
NIKAELEON *** Three years. For the first time in three years I was breathing clean, untainted air. As I stepped out of the prison gates, I raised my face to the sky and took a deep breath. I'm a free man. I smiled, then I began to laugh. “Yo, Nik. It’s good to see you man.” Tedros said as he stepped out of the car with Anika. We all used to be friends before I went to jail three years ago. They had gotten married while I was in jail, and they now had a little daughter. She was probably in school by this time. “It’s good to see you too.” I said as I hugged him. “But why are you the one picking me up, where’s Uri?” I asked him. I couldn’t wait to see her. “Let’s get you all cleaned up first. You must be dying to eat something that’s not prison food.” He said to me with a smile but I knew he was forcing it. Something was wrong. Being in prison had taught me to be hyper perceptive. You needed to be very careful behind bars or your next breath would be your last. “What’s the problem
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Anika stood and showed them all her engagement ring. “He proposed.” Anika squealed. “And she said yes.” Tedros said smugly. “OMG! I’m so happy for you both.” Uriel squealed as she got up and hugged Anika. “Congrats man.” Nik said and shook Tedros. “I’m happy for you.” Connor said. “I hear a 'but' in there, Connor.” Tedros said with an arched brow. “But why are you both getting married now? You’re still very young.” Connor said. “I’m Twenty seven, Connor. And Anika is twenty five. That’s not so young. Besides, we aren’t getting married right now.” Tedros said to him. “We plan to get married by the end of the year or the beginning of next year so we still have a few months.” Anika said. ‘Well, goodluck to you both. The only way I see myself getting married is if I’m forced to. And that will be when I’m in my forties. There are so many women to sample, why settle for just one. It’s so boring.” Connor said and Nik groaned. “Don’t even start, Connor. No one wants to hear about y
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“NOOOOO!” Uri yelled as she saw blood drIp to the floor between Nik and the man that had tried to take her. She rushed out of Tedros’ arms, he had been distracted by the gunshot so his hold on Uri had loosened enough for her to escape easily.She got to Nik just as the man and him fell to the floor. Uri quickly turned Nik over but it turned out that he wasn’t hurt, it was the man that had been shot while they had both been struggling for the gun. Nik only fell because of the impact of the gun’s recoil.“Oh my God! Nik! Are you okay?” Uri asked in a panicky voice as she touched him all over.“It’s okay, it’s okay, Uri. I’m okay. The blood isn’t mine.” Nik said as he pulled her closer and put his face in the crook of her neck.“I’ve called the police, they should be here soon.” Connor said as the rest of them walked up to Nik and Uriel.They helped Nik off the floor just as the club’s security came in to find out what happened. They had heard the gunshot.“What’s going on here?” One of
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BACK TO THE PRESENT DAY***“What do you mean by they’re getting married?” Nik asked with a bemused expression.“Nik, please. We’ll answer all your questions later.” Anika said as she got close to the two of them.“Just come with us for now so you can get cleaned up, put this prison behind you and move on with your life.” She pleaded with him.“No, Anika. You just told me that my woman is getting married to my best friend, and you expect me to just follow you like all is well?” Nik said with a scowl.“There’s nothing you can do about it, Nik. It’s just a coincidence that their wedding is on the same day that you got released. Just forget about them, they’re not worth it.”“No, Uri is mine. You must be lying. How can she leave me? No, that’s not possible. There must be a mistake somewhere. I’ll find out the truth by myself.” Nik said as he began to walk away from them.“Nik, wait!” Anika said as she and Tedros moved to follow Nik.“Be more reasonable, man. Where do you think you’re go
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"Tell me where they are. Where is the wedding?" Nik asked as he paced."There's no need to go there, Nik. You'll just get hurt even more if you see them." Anika said as she touched his arm but he shrugged her off."No. I need to see with my own two eyes.""You're angry, Nik. You may do something that may send you back to jail for an even longer sentence. Is that what you want? You just got out." Tedros said.Nik took deep breaths and tried to smile."I won't, I promise. I'll just congratulate the happy couple." Nik said. "No, Nik. I'm sorry, but you may have good intentions but you won't be able to stand seeing them. I know how much you love Uri, and Connor has been your best friend for years. I can't trust you to go there and not cause a scene that would get you arrested.""Why do you care if I ruin the damn wedding, huh? Are you part of their plan too? Are there cameras here somewhere recording me while I lose my mind so you all can watch it later and laugh at me?" Nik said with a
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"Gone? That's not possible. We would have seen him if he tried to leave the house. Maybe he's in another room. It's his first time here, he probably just wants to explore a little bit." Anika replied to her husband with a look of disbelief."The room is empty, I checked it. I checked the other rooms too before coming here. He didn't leave through the door, he left through the window in his room. I should have known he would go no matter what we said to him. Nik is a stubborn bastard." Tedros said as he picked up his phone."Are you trying to call him? He doesn't have a phone." Anika said and Tedros ran his hands through his hair."Damn it, I forgot about that." He said."What do we do, Teddy?" Anika asked in a panicky voice."I don't know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. He may not even be able to get there before the wedding is over. He'll probably get lost, he doesn't even know the venue.""Nik is smart, Teddy. He had seen what the venue looked like in the vide
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NIKAELEON***Everyone turned to look at me, but I didn’t give a damn as long as I got Connor’s hands off my woman. I’m sure this was all a big misunderstanding, Uri would never leave me. Connor must have forced her into this.“I said let her go!” I said again as I walked towards them.Everyone moved out of my way. Uri looked petrified as I got closer to them, but Connor just smirked. I realised why he was so calm when some security personnels tackled me to the ground. I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so badly. The old Nik they knew would have been subdued by guards, but not this prison hardened Nik. I punched the first guard that was on top of me on his face and it felt so good to hear his bones crunch because of the force of my punch.I kicked the second one that was crouched close to my legs and had been trying to cuff my hands and dragged the third one down to headbutt him. People screamed as I battered three more guards, and hearing how afraid they were of me filled me wi
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Nik forced himself to stand after laying there a while, and walked slowly towards the exit point of the alley. There was a group of guys smoking who hadn’t noticed him lying on the floor before.“Hey! Stop there.” One of them said.“Who the fuck are you?” Another one asked.Nik ignored them and just kept walking but one of them dragged him back.“Are you deaf or something?” A guy asked as he blew smoke in Nik’s face and Nik grabbed the man by his collar.Nik knew he was too weak to fight against all of them, but he wasn’t thinking straight. At the moment, his emotional pain felt so insurmountable, he wanted another form of pain to replace it. Physical pain was a bit more bearable, and he would heal from physical wounds eventually. The hole in his chest where his heart was supposed to be would never heal.“Give me your phone. I want to make a call." Nik said to the man."Who do you think you are to give me orders? Do you know who I am?" The leader of the gang asked Nik as he removed Ni
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NIKAELEON***It was still early evening as I walked down the busy streets. I watched people go about their daily lives and I was filled with resentment because they got to live normally while my life was being ruined. I knew that it was nobody but Connor’s fault, but that knowledge still didn’t appease me. I took a bus and sat at the back as it moved.Scorpion had asked me to meet him at a warehouse in one of the shabby parts of town. I got off the bus at the stop closest to the location and continued walking. I brought out a phone that Scorpion had given to me from my pocket and dialled Scorpion’s number as I reached the warehouse gate. It was the only number saved on the phone.“I’m here, standing right outside where you asked me to meet you.” I spoke as Scorpion answered the call.“I can see you, turn around.” Scorpion said to me.I turned and saw him come out of a car I had just passed that was parked by the sidewalk. I had thought the car was empty, the windows were tinted so I
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NIKAELEON***The rage I had been trying to contain seemed to erupt like an active volcano. I moved forward to confront Levi, but Scorpion held me back with a warning look in his eyes. I realised that this was Levi’s territory, he was the Don’s second in command and he could have me killed for one silly offense or the other. Going up against him now would be stupid. Levi smirked as I backed away, the bastard knew that he had the upper hand.“I was just taking him out. I’ll drop him off where I picked him up.” Scorpion said in a bid to distract Levi and maybe make him forget that I had basically threatened him just minutes ago.“It’s your job, and you’re being paid to do it, do you expect a thank you?” Levi said in a condescending tone to Scorpion.“No, Crusher. I was just informing you.” He replied.Levi turned away from Scorpion like he was a nuisance and faced me. I wanted to punch a hole in his stupid smug face like I had done to the wall in the boss’ office, but now was not the ri
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