Chapter 18

Passing through a remote village on their long road home, Jason and Daphne learned of a deadly plague that had struck without warning, leaving the inhabitants weak and bedridden. This seemed no normal illness.

They went to the village healer's hut to offer their assistance. But the healer only glared suspiciously when they entered. "You must leave immediately!" she declared. "By law of the baron, no magic wielders are allowed here."

Puzzled, Jason and Daphne pressed for answers. The healer explained that the nearby Lord Ashthorn had banned magic and its practitioners from his lands after his own daughter, born with talent for sorcery, had fallen prey to dark powers and fled rather than face punishment. In his grief, the baron had blamed all magic for corrupting his child.

Daphne attempted to reason with the healer, saying their gifts could help end the plague. But the healer refused to defy the baron's edict, saying only true prayer could deliver the village now.

That night, Jason
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