Chapter 66 A silent explosion...

Third-person pov.

The moment Jameson got out of that humiliation, his blood boiled with anger. He had to clean the shoe of a mere slave wouldn't it be better to die than be humiliated that way, he forced himself out of that place as soon as possible, clenching his fist and tightening his muscles, what else can he do before those big shots?

But he made up his mind to take his revenge on them, he immediately called his brother Prince Jackson, who was his military in charge,

"Prepare the troupes...!" he commanded jolting Jackson,

"But...! brother why...? Are we going to attack somewhere?" he panicked on hearing his brother's rough voice.

Jameson had been delaying the war with Handon for quite a long time because at first, he was sure that when he marries Amber, Hamdon will be under his foot as Charles was so weak to offend him, but the game went wrong as Alan entered their lives, he married Amber instead of Jameson,

After that failure Jameson had to invest a lot to plot a scheme for
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