42. Enchant
"Here you go."

Putting an object wrapped in a big handkerchief, strewn with golden thread, an old man carefully put the item on the table in front of him. Observing the item with a serious expression, Luke who sat in the opposite direction of the old man took out a purse and put it on the table as well.

"Twenty golds. Just like we agreed during the negotiation." Said Luke while he moved his gaze at the old man.

Smiling slightly, the old man took the purse and opened it. After counting the coins inside, the old man nodded his head to show that the amount was correct and finally replied, "Good to have business with you."

Smiling wryly instead, Luke murmured the same reply and took the item into his bag. Not wanting to waste anymore of his time, Luke stood up and asked permission to leave the building. Shortly, the old man called a guard nearby to escort Luke to the entrance, while closing the door of the reception room.

Soon, Luke left the auction house and walked to the street. Let
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