010. Friendship bond
On the other hand, Mr. Kross also saw what was happening, he was a little interested in Ken's decision to be willing to burn his life energy to save his friends.

Julius saw this opportunity and secretly took the bodies of his three unconscious comrades.

Ken saw what Julius was doing, "Julius, thank you very much." Ken nodded lightly, then turned his attention to his opponents.

Julius was supporting 3 people at once, but his physical strength was very good, and he didn't have too much trouble.

After reaching a distance of about 200 meters, Helen suddenly coughed and regained consciousness.

“Drop me here? I have to save the chief!” Helen said in a weak voice.

"You realize what happened?" Julius asked in surprise, as far as he remembered Helen had been unconscious since she was hit by the purple fireball.

"That's not important, now quickly let go, I have to save the chairman!" Helen struggled a little with her remaining strength until she managed to make Julius's body wobble and fall.

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