Chapter Thirty Six: Blending In.

Philip turned to his men, a confused look on his face, he repeated the word. "Campers." As a sudden tightness gripped his chest.

Alvin and Jake both stared at him, their face twisted in silent contemplation.

"How are we going to go about it?" Questioned Alvin breaking the silence while Jake looked away from them, his hand on his jaw deep in thought.

Philip was also in deep concentration as his brows were knit tightly together as he tried to cone up with answers. A light bulb switch on in his head and he smiled before facing his men. "I have got an idea." He stated snapping both men from their thought.

Alvin and Jake inhaled deeply before facing him. "And what could that be?" Questioned Alvin.

"Come on guys, let's go." He said changing the topic.

Though Jake and Alvin wanted to know this idea of his, they held their tongue and followed him.

As they walked , Philip kept hiking sometimes jumping up and clicking his feet together, but they never stopped to questioned him but instead speed
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