Another evolution

Skeral was nursing his wounds as he looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

He could feel the bitter taste of failure in his mouth as he spat on the ground and gritted his teeth at the failure of getting his hands on the medallion.

Skeral and I thought that we would be able to defeat Korgumo and use the shamans to our advantage to get whatever was getting unearthed there, but we didn't know such a powerful explosion would come with the unearthing of the medallion.

Our lack of information was the first step to our failure in this situation.

My body continued to throb as I clutched my head, due to the lack of a full body and the destruction of cells, I was only able to scavenge ten years of memories from the ashes that I inhaled, not the full twenty-five even though we were both cannibals and I should be able to get one hundred percent of everything he had. Unfortunately, it was like eating only a part of the body and not all of it.

I ignored the pain of my wrecked body as I focused o
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