182: All That Glitters Are Not Gold
At Range Global JD Hotel Street, the road was a busy one as different cars were trooping in and out of the hotel.

Just then, a black Mercedes-Benz pulled up in the street. Though the hotel street has been busy with tons of flashy and expensive cars, however, there was no passerby the car came across that wouldn't halt and take a second glance at it.

After about two minutes, the car arrived at the magnificent hotel and halted at the entrance gate, waiting for the gate to open so it could enter.

Without much waiting at the entrance gate, after about thirty seconds of waiting, the gate automatically opened, and the car drove in. The gate took so much time because its monitor was checking the car to know if it was really worth entering the hotel as the car owner was not a regular customer of the hotel; hence, the gate didn't recognize the car immediately when it arrived to open.

The car was directed to a parking slot by the hotel attendant.

Meanwhile, at an empty table, a lady was seated w
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