Chapter 228

For days she tried contacting different investigators to help her with her case as they kept sending her files which she kept on compiling.

She was ready to destroy Jennie with everything she could find and she went through the files to see if there was anything she could use against the woman.

She could see some incriminating evidence against the woman and when she tried to save the files into the desktop to read later a hot coffee poured over her desktop ruining her computer and destroying everything.

“What is wrong with you?!” Alice yelled to her feet as she turned to the person who had done it to find Lola staring at her.

The manager came out of his office to see what had happened and he found Lola carrying around a trolley of coffee going around to deliver to the workers.

“I really do apologize. It was a mistake,” Lola apologized after finding out that her manager was staring at her.

“You fool! This is all your fault! You just ruined my whole plan!” Alice was furious as everythi
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