
Lakai 's house, Billy arrived desperately looking for help for James, he still believed that he was wrong, after seeing him wounded in the combat he had gone crazy with panic, he came home screaming help, help! But what he did not know is that James had already recovered thanks to the powerful healing techniques that Diddo had .

When the boy saw that James was safe and sound he hugged him as if he were someone very close, rather as if he were a brother, his tears came out and he felt happy that the danger had passed.


—Hey, Billy, don't worry—I hugged him, Ninfa had seen him so sad, she didn't know that the puppets had feelings because this child was crying for me .

—You have no idea how sad I felt , I thought you would die in that battle, I'm sorry I couldn't help you with those guys, but my powers are too limited to do anything—I sobbed into my chest.

—I already told you that you don't have to worry, I'm fine as you can see—I showed him my body and I no longer had any wounds.

"That's right," agreed Lakai , " all thanks to the healing techniques that Diddo has . "

—By the way, how is my friend Harry? — I asked Diddo , he had also been in serious condition as a result of that abuse that tried to steal his soul.

—He is fine, soon he will be able to wake up and his wounds will be totally healed, what I did was inject a little of your power James and apart from that I modified a little of his thoughts so that when he wakes up he doesn't remember anything that happened. happened and you can go home in peace—we were all sitting on the floor with our feet curled up.

—Thank you very much—I squeezed his shoulder—without you at this moment we wouldn't be telling the story— I nodded , because he was really very good at those things, I still remember the things I experienced in the central dimension and most of the wounds had been healed the .

"Don't worry, that's why I came here," he smiled with narrowed eyes.

The boys were arriving at Lakai 's house , from what I see they had also had their battles, Mike was carrying Katsuro on his shoulder and that made me feel something in my chest.

"What happened to you, Astrid?" I hugged her and I was angry because she came with her clothes ripped, someone had hurt her and she wouldn't let someone lay a single finger on her.

—Don't worry, James, I'm fine—he received me in the same way—the one who is a little ill is Katsuro , a guy named Pavard used a doll that made him possess him and apparently that affected him a lot— Katsuro had sat down on the edge of the house.

—Don't worry about me , I'm fine, rather I thank you Atsrid , you fought bravely against that Volt and I also thank you Kubo —he closed his eyes letting himself fall from exhaustion.

—Hey, why don't we go to the living room and talk more calmly there— Lakai suggested .

We all started to go inside, today had been a heavy night for everyone and we needed to rest a bit and take a bath.


Two of the three vigilantes who had come to earth were running in one direction within the dense forest, it was Luz and Max. Both of them were in a hurry towards something, they ran bit by bit using flash steps, but at the end of the road they ran into Steve.

"Until they finally come, I was waiting for them," he told them.

Did you find the Volts?" they both asked him.

—That's right, they gave me the coordinates and they're not that far from here.

"Then what are we waiting for? " Max said, "we have to hurry to finish this once and for all." They all nodded and ran again.


My henchmen were in my lair, all gathered together after having valiantly put up a fight against James' group.

"I'm so sorry," Pavard said, "it was my fault that those guys got away with luck. "

—Don't worry—I rubbed my hands on his head—you did well, at least you've already tested the increase in your strength, now all you have to do is drink more of our nectar and you won't have that kind of problem.

"That's right, that's what I want," said Pavard anxiously.

"I recommend that you don't get addicted," Marck suggested. "I don't think taking too much of that stuff is a good idea."

—Leave it to me—I agreed—it's good that the boy is thirsty for more power, that's the best step a Volt can take, seek more power and Pavard is understanding it so far.

"I promise this will never happen again." He shook his head.

—You don't have to be ashamed of a defeat—raise a chin, directing it towards me .

—But I've never lost nor will I ever lose—he got angry—I've never lost a battle, it was all his fault—he pointed to Bulls—if he hadn't appeared I would have put those guys in their place.

n't be stupid ," Bulls replied with his frown, "rather if it wasn't for me those guys would have kicked your ass, just accept it and that's it" he crossed his arms.

arguing with each other —try to calm those hot heads—if we have to fight it will be against those boys, not against ourselves. Wait—I stopped analyzing something that was approaching—I think three subjects are approaching in this direction—alert my group—let's be prepared for what's coming, but in the meantime, tell me Tito, how are things with Kai?

—Let me see a little—he has the ability to see certain things that were out of our reach by closing his eyes—everything is fine, he is trying to recover his powers and that is good news, we have to wait for everything to be ready, but tell me my Sir. What do I ask to do something about our guests?

"I want you to receive them with quality hugs," I ordered.

"Perfect, I promise I won't disappoint you, it 's about time I made an appearance in all of these now I'll show you the great show I can give you" he withdrew into the shadows.


—What is happening here?— Katsuro , Mike, Astrid and I had arrived at the room where the body of Jinsu 's child was , he was also there with Diddo , but his face was bad.

"Hey guys," Diddo greeted us , "you can sit down. "

"Is everything okay with the boy?" Mike asked Diddo .

I 've done everything in my power, but I still can't stabilize his soul, it seems more like he 's getting weaker and weaker." He shook his head, it seemed that everything was lost.

—This was all my fault— Jinsu had hit the floor—if only I had handled the situation better, none of this was happening, now I feel guilty that this child could die.

—Don't blame yourself in that way— Katsuro was consoling him—you can't involve your feelings in these matters, our duty is to stop those Volt so that what is happening to this child doesn't happen.

"That 's right," I agreed. "Besides, let's trust in Diddo 's healing powers , I know he will be able to do something in the end. " I felt the same way when I was in the central dimension and he was the one who saved me from the worst moments.

"How about we do what he did with Harry's body?" Mike had stood up, "we can take some of my power, I'm not seriously injured and you can inject it into him."

"I'm afraid these are different situations ," Diddo shook his head, "what we should hope for is that this child's willpower will get him out of that state. "

—Hey, James— Lakai had arrived in the room—I need us to talk a bit—he called me with his hand to go to a smaller room—you agree that the Volt are stronger subjects than I expected, right?

"That's right, now that I've faced him I realize that why?" I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Do you think that if you reactivate your seal number two again, you could beat it?" He looked at me with determination.

-You know? Although I cannot activate it in my current state, there is something that is happening with my body, I feel that something takes over me and makes me stronger, but it is a power that I cannot control, rather it could feel like a fight of souls within my body, but I know I can do it.

"We'll be ready for that then, meanwhile I leave everything in your hands."


We had finally reached the Volt lair, but there was a guy in front of the front door. It was cadabra .

But what are you doing here?" I asked, seeing him, "I didn't know that you would come here too, but you're crazy to be standing in front of their lair. "

"That's right," said Max, " what would you have done if they discovered you?"

—It doesn't matter anyway, you already know we're here and let me tell you that we have a very strong opponent right under our noses, but hey, there's no time to waste—the four of us ran into that cavern.


Ragnar had sent for me, when he does that it's because something is happening out of our reach and he needs help from the Dark , but I don't understand why he had only sent for me . I entered the huge room where he was sitting on his throne like the supreme leader that he was, I lowered my head in the form of reference as

Quite a good soldier with education.

you came, Himura , please take a seat," he ordered.

"Tell me, sir, how can I help you?"

—As you may know, the news has spread that an intruder has entered the central palace, I still have no idea who it could be, but I sent for you because you are one of the fourth strongest of all the Dark and you are the one who I trust more, but something is not right inside this place, I feel that a surprise attack is being prepared and this time we have to be attentive to that movement, I want you to go and inform yourself of what is happening.

—Do you think that all this is a judge of Dante?— was what came to my mind.

—I still couldn't be sure of that, but what I am sure of is that it could also be a matter of the Volt, how can you know, send us four of our vigilantes to the world of the living to support that boy named James, but I think that there is a treacherous vigilante among us all.

"Don't worry, I'll find out everything I can and I'll help you" I lowered my head again.


"I think we're all ready, right ?" We hadn't gathered to go to the final battle against the Volt.

-My three puppets will go with you to have more support, I hope everything goes well for you- Lakai was saying goodbye to us- I would have liked to go with you but there are times when it will be time to observe and that you can grow in all aspects, I wish you the of the force and always keep in mind who you are doing all this for, that will be reason enough to give everything on the battlefield—he waved goodbye to us, while the group of boys went determined to save this city.


—Wait a minute—we stopped inside the cavern, the walls were damp and quite dark, running here without vision was very risky, if someone attacked we wouldn't be able to see where that attack would come from.

—I don't know about you, but all this smells very bad to me, I feel like we're falling into a trap like simple sheep—Max fell back everywhere.

"Let's just keep walking," Steve suggested.

We walked deeper and deeper into this dark and cold cavern. But in the end we came to a room where there were great monuments in the form of towers.

"What do you think they are?" Max asked.

—I do n't know , maybe they are obsessive people they found during the excavation of this place, but let's not pay too much attention to them, we keep walking, but let's not let our guard down.

We took a few more steps when suddenly a kind of harpoon with large cables tied to it had come out of those monuments.

—Step aside— Cadabra stopped him with his sword— I knew that this was all a trap, but the best we can do is spread out, so we'll have more opportunities— the four of us took different directions.

I had found a room where there were many pillars, surely there were traps in the middle of them so I decided to take out my sword and turn it to dust. This powder would go all over the place and if it found any object it would certainly cut it. Little by little I saw how this dust had cut all the pillars, but I still hadn't found anything.

It seems that everything is dependent so I walked a little more, but apparently everything had been a trap, when I stepped on the ground I activated something that made some ropes come out that tied him all over his body leaving me without any movement, I couldn't even draw my sword With total freedom, I could only observe that a huge sword had come out from behind a wall that was heading towards me .


Steve and I were walking in another corridor of the many that were in this place, but unfortunately we had run into flying objectors that looked like eyes with the body of mosquitoes.

"We have to go this way," I pointed out, there was a narrow path that would take us somewhere, but what we wanted at that moment was to be able to escape from those things. At the end of that road there was a giant hand that came out of the ground and caught Steve—damn it, please hold on Steve—I ran taking my sword to try to free him from that thing, but under the ground ropes had come out that they had neutralized. I couldn't move, but for seven I also had my spells that I could do with my fingers, I managed to destroy one of those things and right away I saw that the ropes were gone, I deduced at that time that those eyes projected the traps, but it would be impossible to destroy them all .


Damn, I think I've asked myself in this cave, it's too big and now I don't feel the pressure of others anymore, they were still defeated on the way. Flying eyes had appeared out of the shadows.

—You will not be able to defeat me—I unsheathed my sword, it took on the power of multiplication and asks to destroy them in a few seconds—as I thought , they are not as strong as we say—but in that four eyes were placed on the ends, they had focused as if they were lamps and a huge hand came out of the ground which took me and squeezed me very hard, I could feel how my bones were creaking from the great pressure that was being exerted on me in the grip.


—Did you hear that?— we had heard how cries inside the cave, all the boys were in front of the entrance.

—There is no time to waste, apparently the party has already started and we have come a poro late— Katsuro took the initiative and entered the cave first.


Despite the attempts I had made, I still did not give up, I needed to stabilize my little power to create my sword and recover my powers.

I tried once more and as always, everything had been in vain.

—It can't be —I looked at myself in the water, she reflected my face and I felt bad for having failed my teacher—I...—in that I heard some sounds of someone approaching me , I put myself in alert mode.

—You should not be afraid—Azucena had appeared, she was the apprentice of the Dark Kaskade —We haven't seen each other for a long time, I think since the last time you fought my master.

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