Episode 2 : Perfect Hell

" Mother your useless son-in-law must have annoyed County last night. Can't you see he is still sleeping on the couch now? "

Javad heard the voice of Leah and was about to sit up when the water got sprinkled on his face by Lara.

Swiftly he sits up and opens his eyes, trying not to alarm anyone of his allergy.

" You stupid man! Will you get your ass off the couch and do the chores! " Lara, county's mother yelled out angrily.

" Mother I have woken up already. I only... "

" Will you shut up! "

" I can't believe he is still sleeping at this hour. Only gracious God knows why he keeps getting handsome as seconds pass by in poverty " Leah gritted out this time.

" That must have been what that foolish daughter of mine fell for. I wouldn't have acquired this wealth if I have go for a pretty face " Lara cried out.

County had left for her office, else she would have walked in to make the situation much worse for her husband.

Javad's day started as usual with him cleaning the house. The domestic staffs never takes him seriously and he never cares.

He did all his chores and retires into the room to take his bath. His wavy hair which stopped at the nape of his neck was wet when he goes to the closet for his clothes.

Just as he was dressing up in his denim jean and t-shirt his eyes fell on a slip of paper hidden beneath county dresses.

Javad out of curiosity pulled the slip of paper out and read its content.

If only he hadn't. His face suddenly went white in shock and he ran to take his spectacle.

Javad's hands were sweaty when he put on his glasses and reread the content on the slip of paper.

It turns out to be a pregnancy test that shows County is a week pregnant.

Adrenaline pumped life into Javad's legs and heart. His eyes went blurry as he made his way out.

In a Swift movement, he grabbed the car key and dashes to his car before zooming off.

His mother-in-law's calls were ignored completely by him. Never had anyone seen him that way.

Javad stops the car before the tall company of Crow Enterprise where County is working as a secretary.

He Storm into the large working place immediately, ignoring the call from the security men he bypassed.

When he gets to the county desk he saw it empty and a frown etched on his face.

" No, no. It can't be. No! " He was muttering to himself as his heart continues to thud.

All of a sudden he stopped and listen. He was overhearing the familiar moans and soft thuds.

Javad slowly turn to the door of Zesa Crow the CEO of the company and Cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

Even without opening the door, he knows what is going on in there.

He finally musters up the courage to see things for himself, to be sure he has mistaken.

Javad De Venta pushed open the door of Zesa's office and his whole world came crumbling before his eyes.

His fragile heart was shattered into million of pieces and his eyes stung with pure rage and disappointment.

Against the wall is County being pinned by her boss. Her body was partly opens and the rest are obvious.

The two were stunned to see the newcomer. Especially county who quickly pulled away from the wall and goes to her husband.

" Javad it's not what you think " She declared breathlessly.

" So you weren't being banged against the wall by your boss? You aren't pregnant? "

" Oh, it's what you think it is "

Javad scoffed bitterly. His head reeled from too much of his emotions.

" County how could you? How could you do this to me? I... I love you "

She finally sees that the game is up. Javad had learned all her little Secrets. No need to cower now.

" Well, it's what you think it is. Javad you know I never love you in the first place "

" You accepted my ring and proposal County. you... "

" I only extended my finger because you look so pitiful. I agreed to wed you because you are dying to marry me. You are nothing Javad. You don't even have any family or last name "

Another shocking declaration that staggered Javad. Words clogged up in his throat endlessly at this.

All of a sudden Zesa chuckled mockingly and he pulled County to his side hence angering Javad the more.

" So darling this is the useless husband you talk about? "

" Yes. The same one I told you was a maid in my house. Last night he even sleep on the couch "

" And my baby which is growing up in you? "

" She's fine. A week old "

Before Javad's eyes county goes into Zesa's arms.

Slowly anger replaces his heart. Javad's eyes redden at once and he launched a punch at the CEO.

A brawling ensued in no time but Javad has the upper hand. Thanks to the securities who came later to pull him away.

" I want him jailed county. I want this useless man in prison! " Zesa yelled angrily when he was freed.

However, County pleaded on Javad's behalf. She quickly pulls him out of the office and out of the building entirely.

" Go away! Go away Javad. Now that you know everything I should inform you that it's over between us "

Passerby had stopped to stare at the scene. Javad's T-shirt had wrinkled from the fight.

He looks so pitiful and helpless. The love he had for County is just so Pure and deep.

Tears made to fall from his eyes at her declaration but he remembers the warning.

He can't shed tears. His allergy will worsen. He might go blind.

" County, please... Don't do this " He began to plead with his voice cracking up.

" Please. Alright, I forgive you. I know your boss forced you into doing it. I will accept the baby County. Please don't... don't push me away. Don't divorce me "

Only a cold-hearted woman like County Felton would ignore the pitiful plea from her husband.

She gritted her teeth in determination and then pulled out the ring on her finger.

" Goodbye Javad. It's over " That declaration came with her throwing the ring at his face.

The ring he had bought with so much love and passion.

Javad's heart was broken that day. He couldn't speak or think clearly. Slowly he goes to the car and drives out.

He stopped abruptly by a bridge and parked at a side.

He was fighting hard not to wallow in tears. For hours he sat still without moving.

For three years he had tolerated all insults because of the love he had for County but all his hard work and dedication didn't pay off.

5 o'clock chime when he was still in the car and he began to have another thought about going back to his clan, his family.

Unexpectedly his cell phone rang out and he turn to see county calling.

He was surprised at this but he picked it up after some seconds of hesitation.

" Hello, Hello Javad. Javad you need to come home. Save me Javad. Please ... " It was an urgent call from his wife.

Her voice trail off and the line went dead all of a sudden. At once Javad forgets about meeting up with Cassius once again.

He drove back to Felton's home and ran to the house after alighting.

" County? " He called aloud. " County! "

In the living room, Javad stopped abruptly because He noticed the weirdness in the house.

No one is in sight and County is nowhere to be seen. He look around and unexpectedly saw the blood on the marble tile.

Javad was surprised at this. Slowly he Traced this blood on the floor into the room he shared with his wife.

What he saw stole away his breath and energy. There, on the marble tile was a man.

His head was bashed open and he is bleeding. Javad's face went white in shock and he walks ahead to attend to him.

He check for his pulse but he felt nothing.

" Hey... Hello! Hey, you can't just die here. You can't... "

His words were put to a stop by the siren from the cop's car. In no time the cops storm the room and dragged Javad de Venta.

" You are arrested for the murder of Salza Duke. May you rest in perfect hell "

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