Into The Future VI

      "Bot, engage her."

      She looked towards them. She looked across them. She looked through them. Like a peer. She don't know what she was going to think. She better not hewn thoughts with inconsequential stances. Twas quite remote. The meaning of everything. How everything did play out. What her father was trying to say. She couldn't be so sure. She didn't want to be a pawn to all. She tried to be sane. Engage in what sense. What did he mean by engage her? Get her married? Never! That could never be true. She knew that quite well. Her father wouldn't watch the two of them get married. Never happened and would never. She browsed in rage. Rusty rage. That was the best she could do. She did hide her worries and fears behind her rage. What a typical tiger would do. She was conscious of whatever would be supplanted. Time was not ready to test the stance and she wasn't to play dummy to som

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