An annoying situation
With swift and agile movements, I dashed in the opposite direction with the gap opened, dodging the attacks of the little demons trying to chase me.

“Hey! Come catch me if you can!” I shouted.

Nola took that opportunity to kill as many as possible while running toward the gap I pointed out. The burst of light he created gave me the chance to run. I ran as fast as I could towards the gap but suddenly appeared before me several devils with bloodshot eyes that were furious.

Not wanting to give up, I tried to dodge their attacks with swift movements. I jumped, rolled, and swung my spear with all my might. Flashes of light and clangs of metal filled the air as my spear collided with the demons' claws.

Even though I struggled with all my might, the number of demons continued to grow. I felt my strength getting drained, and my wounds getting more and more torturous. However, I persisted, relying on the determination and courage that burned in my heart.

Meanwhile, Nola managed to escape t
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