Finding the Lost

The two of us began to explore the bottom of the ravine, looking for a possible exit. Even though our wounds were painful and our energy was limited, we didn't lose hope.

After walking for a while, I started to notice something. Something was throbbing in my pocket. I reached into my pocket and found the bark that the tree spirit of the forbidden forest had given me glowing brightly.

"Ares... what's wrong?" asked Nola.

“This… I think this is a sign that we are close to The Golden Tree's existence,” I said.

Nola's eyes widened when she heard my words. Nola looked at the glowing bark in awe. She knew how important The Golden Tree was in our quest. Maybe we can persuade The Guardian of The Golden Tree

"With this bark, we might be close to The Golden Tree," said Nola in a hopeful voice. "Come on, let's keep looking for a way out. We have to find the tree and persuade The Guardian to give you her powers again."

A new urge filled our hearts, and we continued their journey at the bottom of t
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