115 - You know something, don't you?

The heavy weight of the words was palpable. Risa took a moment to let them sink in. Her mind spun, thoughts jumbled up in a mix of shock, fear, and disbelief. But there was no time for any of that now. She took a shaky breath and nodded at Aiden.

“Alright, let’s do it,” she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

As Aiden and Risa moved swiftly through the deserted streets, the chilling sight of Brad's lifeless body still echoed in their minds. His fall was a painful reminder of their vulnerability, a symbol of the brutality of the world they inhabited. They carried their grief along with them, their faces set in grim determination.

The duo reached the makeshift sanctuary they had prepared for Gregg, hidden away in an abandoned building, its once grand structure now a skeleton of its former glory. The interior was dimly lit, only the faint glow of a few candles lighting their path. Gregg lay in a corner, his body frail and lifeless as though the very essence of life ha
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