A firm decision

With Nathan by her side, Karina knew that she was ready to confront whatever dangers awaited them in the dark corners of the city. As they continued their journey into the night, she felt a sense of anticipation building in her chest, eager to uncover the truth and face whatever lay ahead together.

They both walked down the dark streets with unbroken thoughts in their hearts. The silent roads, dark sky, and stars are twinkling in their heads. Nathan and Karina are already hand in hand and suddenly Kairna pops toward the moon and says,

"Look, even though he is bigger in size, he never feels upset because he knows he is the king of the night sky. Look at the twinkling stars; they know that they are tiny in size yet they are appreciated. They are loved by everyone and the kids jump at the little things that are far from them. Isn’t this the secret of the universe? Everything around us stays happy despite its size and shape but look at us. By the human being being alive and breathing in a
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