Chapter 28
He didn't even bother to look in the direction of the voice because he felt he wasn't the one they call young master. He was still staring at the woodpecker picture because it was the same as the one he had on his back but what was shocking was that there was also a picture of a viper and a picture of a lion's head but he didn't have that.

The person who screamed master moved closer to him but he didn't notice because he was drowned in the picture.

" It seems you still like the picture of the viper," the owner of the voice said.

But he didn't even bother to look up but replied instead

" Yeah have loved it since I was a kid, I think," he said chuckling lightly.

" Yeah, you've loved it since you were a kid because you always asked me to draw it for you when you were a kid and this would make your father angry". The owner of the voice replied to him feeling emotional.

He immediately realized that he wasn't talking to his thought but to someone.

" Sorry, you seem to know me but I don't kno
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