Self Sufficient

Chapter 159


Flying around, Sumire carried Saeko around as they tried to dodge the debris that Dokuji began to throw, firing and destroying the small ones, but dodging the hopelessly large ones.

Sumire couldn't move all that well with someone on her back, and just as she thought Saeko could be the only one that could disable Dokuji, his transformation made it far harder.

"This is getting out of hand! If we spend too much time here, we'll lure the other Brainless in!"

As they looked around, their battle was beginning to attract the other Brainleas that survived their battles, gathering up near them as they slowly walked up them.

Their men had been slowly wiped out by the others. However.


As a voice called them from below, three surging arrows would whistle out as it splits the wind, hitting the other Brainless right into their eyes as they fall, defeated with one arrow each.

Their heads were impaled through the eye. This was but an easy fit for someone capable of contr
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