Chapter eighty-four


Joshua stared at the shore. He was still there observing, he had gotten used to this.

Mr Joe walked over to him with some of the documents he asked him to get from Miss Laura that stopped by, she had a family gathering along the Granville road, making it easily accessible.

He gives his short brown hair a scratch, tucks one arm behind his head, and continues to smile like a looney at the scribbled text on his phone.

He respects her, the marital boundaries and ruining it wouldn't be something he feels like doing. It could be bad knowing that he was her ex-husband and had to do all this. He needed to toss away his personal feelings; it would either complicate things for him. And pull the whole of Stark along.

This was it. Just as it was business for Pamela when they were together, it is business for him too. They have to deal with it professionally.

Ruining a committed relationship is not who Joshua was, not who he was raised to be. Taking someone from someone else simply sets you up
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