Vincent arrived at the scene where the announcer has said to have a hostage situation and there really is. It is very crowded so Vincent needed to forced his way through the crowd. And as he reached the front, he saw police laying on their chests on the floor and pointing guns and snipers at the hostage takers. Vincent looked and saw that there are 2 hostage takers and both are male. Vincent then saw Jun in his left and quickly approached him.

“Uhm, what’s the situation, sir?” Vincent asked as Jun looked at him.

Jun then assessed Vincent on what’s happening. Just 30 minutes ago, these men have hostage 25 people, and their intentions on why they took them as hostage is still unknown. They were trying to negotiate, but the tricky thing is, their demands is impossible, because no one would actually do that just to save citizens even if they’re heroes. Jun didn’t tell what the hostage takers has said as their offer to free the hostages,

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