
The villains were in a classroom like setting with Drake as the teacher. It was a History class Drake told them.

" In the 18th century lived a brilliant scientist and doctor still honor 'til today, Sir Ronaldos von Jingglber. He had don soon many things that advanced mankind to heights only imagined but he wasn't satisfied. He wished to make the perfect medication to the diseases they had and those to come.

They say there was no herb he didn't use nor combination he didn't concoct. He finally created something and wished to test it on a sick death-roll prisoner. Only his assistant, some people who record great discovers, elite soldiers and the doctor himself were present when the prisoner was given the creation. The entire time a reporter had sneakily recording the whole thing that's how the world came to know of it.

His illness completely vanished and they were astonished but the prisoner started to act funny. His skin gained red crusty patches and he seemed to lose the intelligence
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