Chapter 70

"Your dad will be here soon," Sultan said while watching Mary struggle on the chair she was tied to.

A few minutes later, a car was heard from outside and one of Sultan's men rushed in to inform him that Gordon was there.

Gordon walked in with an angry face and a gun in his hand. He pushed the gun against Sultan's head and Sultan's men pointed their guns at Gordon but Gordon didn't care.

Sultan raised his right hand in mid-air to signal his men not to fire at Gordon.

"How dare you touch my daughter?! Do you have a death wish you are so eager to make come true?!" Gordon yelled at Sultan but Sultan remained calm.

"What made you result to this means? Was there ever a day you requested a meeting with me that I didn't come?" Gordon shouted more.

"Bringing your daughter it was the only way to guarantee that you will answer my questions with nothing but the truth," Sultan said to Gordon.

Sultan signalled with his finger to his men and they turned their guns and pointed them to Mary who was s
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