Chapter 133 : Finally, We can Go!

Hearing what Catherine said at this time, at first Raphael couldn't believe what he was hearing, but seeing that there was no sign that Catherine was lying, Raphael came to believe that this news was genuine.

Even though Raphael still couldn't believe it, somehow Catherine did it to make Andrew decide to leave Pearl City, Raphael was still happy with this good news, however they couldn't continue to be in Pearl City which was full of criminals.

"What will happened to get us out of Pearl City this time?" Ettienne, who still couldn't believe what he was hearing, became very curious about what Catherine had done to get them out of Pearl City.

"What is certain is that Catherine has done something to make Andrew finally agree to leave this city and continue our journey to the city of Sapphire." Raphael could only say this because he also didn't know what Catherine had done at this time.

"Somehow I even feel that Andrew will do something to us for making it like this," Ettienne replied fe
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