Chapter 49: The Plan, The Search, The Kidnap And The Rescue — Part 2.

[Two hours ago]

As the whole squad went in after the meeting has been dismissed. Eugene pulled out his phone, dialled some numbers in it and made a call.

As the receiver picks up, Eugene went on to start a conversation, “hey 3Es, I need you to contact 113 and head out with him to carry out the mission now.”

“Huh? Why? You ordered us, not long ago, to carry out the mission, once it is midnight. What led to the sudden change of your order?” She asked out of curiosity.

“Well, nothing much but you can just say that we have a snitch among us. So, I’m literally and deliberately making some little changes in our plan.” Said Eugene.

“Don’t tell me that that’s ..... ” She said out of surprise.

“Yeah, that’s the culprit. The strange behaviour displayed by the culprit today, it was so obvious and of course, with the aid of AE7’s sniping skill, I found out that my intuition was not wrong at all.” Said Eugene as he concurs to her discovery.

“Alright boss, I’ll do just as you ordered.” Said 3Es before cutting the call.

She then dials a number in her phone and made a call. After waiting for a while, the call got picked and 113 answered with a tone that was obvious that he was annoyed with the call. “Who the fuck is it now?” Asked 113 as he adjusted himself to a sitting position on his bed.

“The fuck, you sleeping? I thought that we were scheduled to a mission by twelve midnight.” Said 3Es as she was shocked at 113’s action.

“An hour and half is enough to get my blood pumping on a regular, so, why the fuck are you that concerned? Do you have anything from me now? If not, then, I will be heading back to sleep.” Said 113 as he began to adjust his pillows.

“The boss made a change of plans. He wants our own mission to be carried out as soon as possible because, he discovered that we have a snitch among us.” Said 3Es.

“A fucking snitch? Wow, now that’s crazy. Well, if the boss orders so, we should be heading out now.” 113 concluded as he got off from his bed and continued, “anyways, you will be driving, I still need to get some tactical equipment ready.”

“Huh, you serious? You are letting a woman drive? Especially, someone as nuts as me?” 3Es teased but was also surprised by 113’s decision.

“Uhm, yeah. We are in a mission now and I doubt that you will fuck up because of some stereotypical nonsense.” 113 replied indifferently as he has already started with preparing his equipment.

“Awwn, that’s so sweet of you. I’ll give you some rewards for your statement when we are done with the job.” Said 3Es as she begins to undress herself.

“Wow, so confident of you to think that we are making it alive from this mission.” 113 replied.

“Well, this ain’t the work of faith but let’s just say, that’s how confident I am. It doesn’t seem to be a tough and bent nail to uproot.” 3Es responded as she is in a jumpsuit and is currently picking out some explosives from her collection.

“Hmm, well, where should we meet up?” 113 asked. “It should be at the living room, with the boss. He should be able to give us a car key.” 3Es replied.

“Alright, I’ll be moving ahead before you.” Said 113 as he locks up his baggage. “Yeah, of course.” She replies as she seriously runs through her collections.


Minutes later, 3Es can be seen, coming down the stairs with her two sub machines and her auto rifles. She also has on her, a tactical military belt pouch, which of course, has a lot of goodies in it.

“Finally.” Said 113 as he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw 3Es coming down the stairs. “Come on, don’t be rude. Don’t you know that you must exercise patience while waiting for a lady.” 3Es teased with her eyeballs being rolled at 113.

Eugene then throws a car key to 3Es, which she, did get a hold of. “Take that. You will be using that car, it’s indeed fast, so please, make sure to not scratch, dent or crash it.” Eugene instructed with a straight face.

“Oh, come on, brighten up that cute face. Of course, I’ll take care of your baby girl. So, where’s my ‘be safe’ kiss?” 3Es continued with her teasing. “Just be safe and maybe, expect a welcome back kiss then.” 113 cuts in as he drags 3Es out of the building.

“Wow! What a nice idea! I’ll be back boss! So, save my welcome kiss!” said 3Es in joy.


On their way to the designated location, there was a huge silence between the two individuals, 3Es and 113. The male was looking out the window, with a seat belt strapped on him and the female, surprisingly, was quiet for the moment.

She then took a glimpse of her partner who has been strangely staring outside the window and then, she decided to break the silence in the atmosphere between them.

“Uhm hey, what are you thinking about?” 3Es asked out of curiosity and awkwardness. 113 then turns to her and stare at her with eyes that were seeking for answers.

“Hey, were you expecting that our buyer to be a kid?” 113 asked as he begins to play with one of his tools. “To be more reasonable and realistic here, everything about this new job that we got, is so confusing. Why would a kid decide on his own to pick up a double edged sword, when he has an option to escape all this reality and live in a new one?” 3Es replied but with another question, as she tries to understand the script of the whole reality.

“Well, just like us, he was born into the game and has to live his life as a gamer. Either he chooses to play a running game, which we all know, has no ending. Or, he plays an action game and choosing the latter is the only option, if he ever wants to feel safe.” 113 answers her question.

“What did you find about him, big brains?” 3Es asked. “The Grieving Emperor, whose name was actually meant to be an urban legend but was actually true. The Albion Group made no exceptions to anyone who is deemed a rival. The tales of the crying murderer, a child who has his hands covered in blood as he kept on killing for his own safety and after a successful escape, he kneels beside his own enemies’ corpses and cries his heart out.

Scars all over his body, kidnaps after kidnaps, torture after torture, deaths after deaths, a young child experienced all of that, all because of someone’s greediness. According to the records, 17 kidnap cases, 32 shootouts, 53 kill counts and still, our current boss was able to keep his mental health intact and did not let the trauma haunt him.

We see three special people in his life but they were once eight in number. This kid lived a life that we didn’t live as a kid. Unlike our past bosses, you didn’t get molested, instead, you were the one doing the molestation ......” “Hey!” exclaimed 3Es as she protests against 113’s claims.

“Haha, alright, you were just teasing him.” 113 replied with a chuckle. “Now, that’s a better way to put it.” Said 3Es as she joins 113 in laughter.

After a while, the laughter stopped and there was another round of an awkward silence, which didn’t go on for long as 113 broke the silence, “Emeliana, should we still kill him?”

Hearing that question, 3Es hits on the brake and the car stopped, while 113’s tracking device started a bleeping sound. “It seems like we have arrived to our designated location.” Said 3Es.

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