Chapter 251: "Beware of Bugs and Errors"
Ainspenser couldn't comprehend why everyone was staring at them with evident dismay. Frustrated by the situation, she questioned, "Why are they acting like this?"

Gaige Feryuson, however, merely let out a heavy sigh and chose to ignore her inquiry.

The murmurs from the onlookers continued, with voices speculating, "Which side is he on?"

In reality, Gaige didn't align himself with either side. He walked away from the gathering to avoid getting caught up in the brewing drama. As all eyes followed him, they were taken aback when Gaige's fist struck something that appeared invisible. A resounding noise filled the air, and an invisible figure was sent tumbling.

The invisibility spell concealing Andy shattered upon impact with the wall. He struggled to regain his footing but couldn't utter a word.

Gaige reappeared in front of Andy, aiming his gun at Andy's forehead and firing without uttering a word. The sudden gunshot sent shockwaves through the onlookers, rendering them momentarily sp
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