Welcome back Transmigrator
Welcome back Transmigrator
Author: MaryahLu
Chapter One: The Unwelcome Return

"I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest's voice echoed through the grand church, marking a momentous occasion that would forever alter Gaige Feryuson's life.

Gaige, a knight with a formidable build, found himself wiping his eyes that had grown emotional as he watched the main characters exchange their vows. It was a wedding that had happened much earlier than the original plot dictated.

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest's proclamation was met with cheers and applause from the gathered guests.

Gaige's ears rang from the sheer volume of the celebratory crowd. He couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph mixed with nostalgia. This marriage marked the conclusion of the novel he had been transmigrated into. None of this would have been possible if he and his group hadn't protected the couple from the chaos and monsters that threatened to disrupt the ceremony.

Yet, as the priest's words of blessing hung in the air, chaos erupted. Beasts and monsters crashed through the church, shattering the tranquility of the moment. Clouds materialized within the high-ceilinged sanctuary, unleashing thunder that reverberated through the stone walls. The altar itself caught fire, and a powerful wind whipped through the church, defying the calmness outside.

Strange phenomena manifested out of thin air, as if the world itself conspired to prevent the wedding. But against all odds, the couple pressed on, determined to seal their love in the face of adversity.

"Shit! Leave me alone!" Gaige grunted, swatting away vines and sharp rocks that surged toward him. His vision blurred as he struggled to maintain his composure. Battling this storm of attacks was no easy feat, even for a knight as strong and powerful as he.

Gaige Feryuson, currently a knight commander and an aura user, was not meant to be a central figure in this world. He was originally sent to this novel as a commoner's son, a weak teenager with low status. But Gaige was no ordinary extra; he held knowledge of the future due to his transmigration. With this knowledge, he had accelerated the novel's ending, turning himself into a commander and rewriting the story's course. He had disrupted the world's order, hastening events by a decade, leaving the world in disarray.

"Look! A massive rift has appeared! We did it!" Gaige shouted with unbridled joy as he witnessed the world of the novel being devoured by a colossal distortion. It was his hope that this would return him to his original world.

As he looked around, a giant snake suddenly lunged at him. Gaige swiftly dispatched it with a swing of his longsword. He sought out his friend Anniston amidst the chaos, waving his sword to catch Anniston's attention.

Anniston was busy preventing the walls and ceiling from collapsing. He could only offer Gaige a nod of acknowledgment. Both men shared smiles, having stood together through countless trials and tribulations. They had helped each other grow stronger, overcoming the odds.

After a brief moment of celebration with his friend, Gaige surveyed the chaotic scene. He deliberately ignored the guests in distress, his gaze fixated on his beloved princess. She twirled gracefully in mid-air, her long skirt billowing, as she simultaneously fought off gigantic bugs and rescued guests—a feat Gaige considered entirely futile.

"They are finally married!" Gaige shouted with exuberance, informing his lover.

Princess Bettine acknowledged his words with a smile and a thumbs-up, her attention briefly diverted from the relentless attacks. She understood Gaige's fixation on seeing the couple wed.

Princess Bettine was well aware of Gaige's obsession with ensuring the couple's marriage, and she couldn't help but be happy for him, even amidst the world's crumbling chaos. She fought valiantly against the relentless onslaught, saving civilians along the way.

As Gaige admired his strong and skilled girlfriend, he couldn't help but reflect on his own feelings. "If only she weren't a novel character, I might fall for her even more deeply."

Then, a troubling thought crossed his mind. "Will she become a real person after I destroy this world?" Gaige had used Princess Bettine as a means to an end, but he couldn't deny the charm she held over him. His heart, once as hard as stone from years in this savage world, had softened to the allure of a character he had initially seen as unreal.

"What will happen to Princess Bettine, Anniston, and the other characters once this novel concludes?" Gaige's thoughts raced as he grappled with the moral dilemma of abandoning them to the devastation of this world.

Determined not to let them face that fate, Gaige resolved to change the narrative one final time. He charged forward, crushing every obstacle in his path as he made his way toward the princess.

The warps surrounding them multiplied, devouring nearly everything in their path.

"Bettine! Come here!" Gaige cried out, reaching for her hand.

Princess Bettine, still some distance away, responded by running towards Gaige, her eyes filled with concern. She kicked off the ground, her determination matching his.

Gaige berated himself for being careless and realizing his true feelings too late. They stretched their arms toward each other, their fingers mere centimeters from touching.

But before they could make contact, the warps consumed them both.

"Bettine!" Gaige's cry echoed through the void as he was pulled away by an unknown force, like a vacuum dragging him in and then expelling him.

"Argh!" Gaige staggered upon landing and scrambled to his feet. He surveyed his surroundings, a new and unfamiliar environment.

"Porta Mariae?" Gaige's recognition was immediate. The triumphal arch behind him confirmed it. He had returned to his previous world.

"I... I'm back? Is this real?" The modern buildings, the bustling city, the electronic gadgets—all felt surreal to him.

"Heh-heh-heh. I really made it back!" Gaige chuckled weakly. It should have been a moment for celebration, but he couldn't shake the guilt of leaving Princess Bettine and Anniston behind.

"Did I obliterate the novel completely, or did it merely reset to its original plot?" He questioned himself, trembling with uncertainty. Crawling with guilt, he began his search to uncover the fate of the world he had left behind.

"I... I need a phone! I need the internet!"

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