William Kingslayer : The Charismatic Son In Law

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William Kingslayer : The Charismatic Son In Law

By: Ransyah A. CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 211 views: 8.5K

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William Kingslayer was a poor son-in-law. Everyone from his wife's family looked down on him, hated him and even considered him lower than a pet dog. Long before he ended up as a useless son-in-law, William was actually the sole heir of a super-rich family, but the family throne fell overnight. One day, William got the chance to rise up and reclaim his family's throne. When he manages to regain his glory, those who have underestimated him will be helplessly brought to their knees.

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  • Banin SN


    Waiting for the updates (*´﹀`*)

    2023-10-24 21:09:45
  • Banin SN


    Nice story. Love it!!!

    2023-10-24 19:47:24
Latest Chapter
211 chapters
Chapter 1
"Damn, our dog is even more useful than a trashy son-in-law like you!" Those were the words William Kingslayer's mother-in-law said to him almost every day. When the insult suddenly echoed in his memory, William smiled wryly while staring at the bag of vegetables he was carrying. Even after two years of being a good and obedient son-in-law, his mother-in-law still insisted that dogs were even more useful than William. "Gosh, how could I have gotten it so wrong?" William was stunned when he realized he had taken a wrong turn. He had just shopped at the supermarket and was about to walk home when, lost in thought, he walked onto Royal Regen Avenue by mistake. It was the entrance to a super luxury housing development in the city of Litusia. William tapped his forehead and turned around. Step by step, William walked until he came to an intersection, where his feet stopped. He paused as a group of sports cars pulled up right in front of him. One by one, the drivers of the luxury vehicle
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Chapter 2
William did his best to get home in less than fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, just as he was rushing home, there was a traffic accident that blocked his way.Technically, it takes less than fifteen minutes for William to get home from where he bought vegetables. But because of the traffic, it took him up to seventeen minutes, or two minutes longer than the time his mother-in-law had given him.William was prepared for whatever consequences he might face for being late. Whether it was scorn, cursing, or punishment, he was ready to endure it. There was not the slightest hesitation to meet his father-in-law immediately.Upon entering the house, William immediately rushed to the room where his father-in-law was being treated. And as expected, his mother-in-law and children were there, including Charlotte, who was none other than William's wife.Emma Lysander's face, which had looked worried at first, suddenly turned red with anger when she saw William's arrival.She cursed William in a hi
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Chapter 3
Then Arthur began to tell the story: "A long time ago, the Lysander family was destroyed and fell hard. Other elite families in Litusia looked down on us, and even those we helped treated us like everyone else.Arthur's previously sad eyes now looked even sadder, indicating that what he was about to reveal was something bitter. "Our family was really struggling at that time, almost beyond help. We had to move into a modest house because we had lost all our possessions. We often had to skip meals because there was nothing to eat. Arthurpaused for a moment and his eyes changed again, from a sad expression to a sharp and meaningful one. But William did not feel the anger in Arthur's eyes. The look he showed now was completely different from the one he showed his wife and children.He then said, "It was at that moment that your father suddenly appeared. Like sunlight coming after a night of darkness, that's how your father came into the midst of our family, William. He, who is indeed an
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Chapter 4
"Then how am I supposed to get all that with this ring, Father?" William was both curious and confused by Arthur's words.Arthur looked at William sharply, very sharp and firm like a male lion showing his dominance."Go to Waterlow Station, there is a place called Gilgamesh Bar. Show the bartender my membership card and this ring," Arthur said.William looked at the ring blankly, his mind completely unable to think. Because of the amount of information he had just received, he was so shocked that all the blood in his body was flowing very fast. William had never thought that his late father had left such a large treasure.Seeing his son-in-law who was suddenly like a dazed person, Arthur could not bear to let him, "If you want to exchange this thing today, then let this old man tell you, William.Hearing those words from his father-in-law was so weak that William couldn't bear it. Not wanting to cause any more trouble, William grabbed hold of his father's ring. With a serious face and
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Chapter 5
It's like he's changed a hundred and eighty degrees into someone else. This was clearly felt by everyone, especially his family. Every second, every minute, every day, William was a loser.But right now, at least in the next few seconds, he changed completely. From a loser who swallowed defeat every day to a figure who looked like an angel of death. With a clear command from God to bring back wretched souls, he exuded a dark aura like that of Raven Kingslayer, his father. William then stopped right in front of Xavier's face, making the man's neck choke and almost unable to breathe.With a piercing stare, he then said something nonsensical, "Tell me, how much should I pay to pay for all the losses caused by my wife?"Hearing such nonsensical words from the mouth of a loser, Xavier could not hold back the flutter of excitement inside him. Although he had been scared by William for a split second, it was all for nothing when the black-haired and lanky man said something that clearly soun
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Chapter 6
Darkness fell as the night wore on. William left stealthily like a thief, not wanting anyone to know of his departure, including Charlotte, his own wife.William's concern was too great if his wife found out that her husband, who had been useless, had suddenly become wealthy. Besides not wanting his wife to suddenly become a different person, he was also afraid that his wife could not keep a secret.And if this thing that William wanted to keep secret leaked out, let alone to his mother-in-law and two younger siblings, it was certain that Charlotte would be threatened. William didn't want that to happen.So he waited until exactly midnight, until everyone was fast asleep. As for the house guards, he could easily open their mouths without spending any extra effort or money.William then stroked his wife's head and said, "Pray for my safe return.Charlotte, who felt her head being held, suddenly responded as if she were about to wake up. And indeed, the beautiful woman did awaken. Her f
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Chapter 7
Henry, the bartender, then used all his strength to open the door. Not only was the door huge, but it was also very thick and heavy. Although it looked difficult, little by little Henry managed to move the huge door in front of him.Inside the open door, William saw a scene that was almost unbelievable. Behind the large door was a busy office.Not only were workers going back and forth with documents. But there are also several people besides William who are making a transaction. If you look closely, the scene in front of William does not look any different from the activities of a bank."I can only take you as far as here, sir, because the rest is no longer my responsibility. And if you want to go back upstairs, you can use that elevator over there to get back up to the Gilgamesh Bar," the bartender said as he pointed to an elevator not far from where they were standing.With an annoyed face, William asked, "Why didn't we just use that elevator to get down here?""That's the procedur
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Chapter 8
While William has not returned, Charlotte is facing a very bad situation in her own home. Her mother and stepsisters have once again cornered her in the living room. The reason was obvious: they thought William had run away after telling a big lie the day before.Emma snapped in a high tone, "Charlotte! Where did your stupid husband go? Don't tell me that he ran away after he dared to challenge Xavier.""Ahh, I should have expected this. I could have prevented what happened yesterday, I was so stupid to let that trash son-in-law do whatever he wanted," Emma muttered.Charlotte was not silent this time, she also argued with her stepmother, "Calm down mom, William must have kept his word. There's no way he's going to run away and get away with it. He is a responsible man, believe me!""Have you really been brainwashed, Charlotte? If your useless husband is really responsible, you should be able to live a better life," Emma, who was already angry, did not stop there and told Charlotte ev
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Chapter 9
"What if I told you that I won the lottery? Would you believe me? You still won't believe anything I say," William said confidently.With a face that seemed to mock Xavier, he continued, "I suggest you count the money I brought you right away. Because it looks like it will take a long time to confirm the amount," William said with a face full of arrogance."Damn it, you must have done this on purpose to inconvenience me," Xavier said, the veins in his face starting to show.But instead of venting his anger, he decided to do something more important: "Well, I'm going to count the money you brought with you. If it is even one dollar short, or if I find out that the money you brought is counterfeit, then be prepared to accept the consequences, loser," Xavier said.He then called his subordinates to come with an automatic money counting machine. Although the name of a well-known bank was clearly displayed on the armored truck, Xavier still couldn't trust it so easily.Xavier remained high
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Chapter 10
Xavier approached the loud money counting machine with quick and hurried steps, hoping to find a mistake there. William, on the other hand, was the opposite. He walked casually because he believed there could be no error in the amount of money he was given."Why is this machine beeping? Did you find any counterfeit money there?" Xavier asked excitedly."I'm sorry sir, but it looks like this machine is having problems. We will move the money to another machine," said an employee.Hearing that, Xavier's anger peaked instantly, "Move!"He then took the amount of money in the machine and moved it to another machine. After a while, it was evident that there was no problem at all with the money William was carrying. All the money he was carrying was genuine."BIP!" said the final machine of the money counter. The sound also signaled the conclusion of the money counting.William smiled, "All the money I brought is real money and the total is exactly twenty million dollars, not one dollar les
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