
“I'm even busy working and taking care of a few other things, I've promised William that until he marries Isabella, I won't interfere and bother him. Since I was quite self-conscious during our marriage, he gave us so many gifts, so how could I be unmanly?”

Yes, Wilona has now openly said to Justin, that Wilona actually already knows everything and has nothing to hide at all. so now Wilona is asking Justin more and more frequently about how William is. Wilona doesn't want Justin to actually kill William.

"You really promised like that?"

"Yeah, you know me anyway, right? what kind of person am I, I really don't like people breaking promises to me, so how can I be happy breaking promises. So what? What happened?"

"I also do not know!"

Wilona immediately lay down, and ignored Justin's words. It seemed Wilona was starting to get annoyed with Justin, much more than anything else.


“How are the search results, are there no results at all?”

“Not at all, Mister Hobat! We've done a varie
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