Chapter 213

He raised his sword to prepare to kill me. I clenched one of my fists as I looked at him with a frown. In those moments, I was like a rock where I was not moving or even leaving to save my life. It is unclear to me why I did that, but maybe it was caused by my extreme shock at what I discovered about that sword. It seemed to shine in my eyes as if it were calling my name. I was stunned by his sword, and for a few minutes I lost my mind that my life was in danger. Until unexpectedly, an arrow suddenly stopped him. It hit his left hand where he immediately let go of his sword and then his blood dripped on the ground. He pulled out the arrow buried in his hand, and then he turned to his left where the arrow had passed earlier. Even I turned around and frowned because I couldn't see anyone else there except for the two of us. It was dark there, and it was not easy to see where the person who helped me was hiding or the one who shot him with an arrow. But I was certain that he was just the
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