273 - You Are Not The Hero

‘Here we go.’

Jason again found himself floating in the void.

He felt he had more control over his emotions than before, but that didn’t help him from feeling terrified.

The same void, the same scene, and it was the same battle. The end of the universe as he called it. Jason felt the feelings had become too real for him to handle the pressure of the situation.

‘How can I be so helpless? How can all these advanced civilisations be so helpless?’

He felt the terror gripping his heart as he stared at the ending.

A glowing spaceship wandered at the edge of a black hole in a dark corner of the universe.

While everything in the surrounding hag showed signs of destruction and annihilation, It absorbed the energy from the black hole to power up itself. The spaceship looked as if it had the most advanced technology available, and the bright lighting emitting from it gave a sense of liveliness in the empty and broken space.

The energy shield around it lit up from time to time, burning up t
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