198. Overboard

The next day at school, Leonard and Daniel found themselves sitting nervously in the uncomfortable plastic chairs outside the principal's office. They had been summoned, but neither of them had any idea why. Anxiety gnawed at them as they exchanged uncertain glances, wondering what could be so important.

After what felt like an eternity, the door to the principal's office swung open, and they were ushered inside. The principal, always a stern and imposing figure, was sitting behind his desk with his hands folded, his eyes red and puffy. The sight of their usually composed principal on the verge of tears sent a shiver down their spines.

As Leonard and Daniel took their seats, Principal Anderson cleared his throat, struggling to compose himself. His voice wavered as he began to speak, "I... I don't know where to begin. I owe both of you an immense debt of gratitude." His voice cracked as he continued, "You see, you exposed something that was far more sinister than I ever imagined."

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