199. The End Of The Road

Leonard had always been resourceful when it came to finding quiet corners within the bustling school campus. Today was no exception. He wandered through the labyrinthine hallways until he stumbled upon a seldom-used storage room on the third floor of the engineering building. The room was dimly lit, with dusty shelves of forgotten equipment, and it was blessedly free of the usual chatter and footfalls echoing through the school's corridors.

Taking a seat on an upturned crate, Leonard pulled out his sleek, portable computer. He had received an anonymous message, cryptic and enigmatic, urging him to come to this very place and log into the school's restricted system software. His curiosity had driven him to this obscure location, far from prying eyes.

As he connected to the system, Leonard couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation. The instructions he found on the screen were unlike anything he had encountered before. They were written in a code only he and a few others could deci
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