In a room, a group of six men were all seated around a table and Alvanon was sitting at the far end of the table as the leader. He was still dressed in black, a sign that he was still mourning his brother and the look on his face was deadly. Since he could not get the law to punish Nick, he might as well punish him in his own way. This was going to be the last time because Nick would be dead even before he knew it.

“Boss, this lady looks familiar” the one close to him said as he handed back the picture that was already seen by all of them.

“This is his wife, the only person he can not do without” alvanon answered as he puffed smoke out of his mouth, “if we want to get Nick at his most vulnerable state then we have to use her. He would never let her die no matter what” his voice was sinister and filled with a lot of loathing and anger. This time around, he didn’t care about the consequences anymore. Alvanon just wanted to bring Nick to the ground.

“What should we do boss?” Another ask
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