Chapter 111

“This is great and all,” Danny suddenly interjected, “but I think I’m still unclear on why this is important.” Everyone turned to look at Danny, not a few with looks that seemed to suggest he was stupid.

“I’m serious,” Danny continued. “Even if the vampires are real, it doesn’t seem like they’re all that interested in bothering us, so what’s the big deal?”

“That might be changing,” said the man Gabriel recognized from the caves. “If the creatures were holed up in the caves as Gabriel ’s story suggests, then they’re not anymore. So maybe they’re hunting us now.”

“Is that possible, Cass?” asked Joe. “You should know these things better than anyone.”

Cassius nodded. “I’ve never known the creatures to leave their holes except to feed. Feeding for them isn’t so different than the zombies, just the need seems to arise less often. But once they get hungry, they will stop at nothing to feast.”

“It’s worse than that,” added Gabriel , but instead of continuing he paused and took a deep breath
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