First Item Of The Auction... The Higher Dimensional Disk

“The crux of the matter is that there is no place for kids like us to actually bid for anything during the auction. What we can only do is watch as the various groups try to best and exploit benefits from each other.” Brianna said, finally ending her explanation.

At this point, Arran and the others agreed with Brianna. Based on the stakes of the bids made in the secret auction, there was really nothing that any of them could offer that would be enticing to the various parties gathered here.

Still, it was not a loss. Just like Brianna said, although they couldn’t bid on anything, they could still watch and expand their horizons. At least this way, the group could understand the strength and capabilities of the various powers in the realm.

This, on its own, was a benefit that they would pass up on.

Right at this moment, as Brianna finished explaining the way the auction worked, the center of the hall brightened once more. The stands where the guests were seated were still dimly lit, b
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