
In the midst of his battle, he ducked his head from the incoming heat ray. He dashed in the middle, two robots flanking him from the both sides, swinging their blades, forming an x.

With a horizontal parry, he deflected back their combined attacks. They skidded back; pulling his fingers back like a gun, he shot fire bullets which was soon blocked by its forcefield.

Based on his previous fighting patterns, the bots were prepared. From the middle, a machine gun. Draven rocketed himself back with a flip, he struck its chest with the teeth of his whip and destroyed the source of his trouble, leaving the bot with only a sword to defend itself.

When Draven fought the robots, he heard a mechanical movement. Acting on his instincts, he changed the grip of his sword and preformed a reverse roundhouse; kicking the robot's sword away while ducking his head narrowly from the incoming sword at the front.

After depleting his fire energy, he was soon stuck in a deadlock, under the robots's teamwork.

Playing the orthodox card, he threw a dagger, aiming for the robot's visual sensor and thrusted his sword into another bot's chest.

Glancing over his back, Draven skilfully tossed his shield, as it deflected back the heat ray, straight to its core. He jumped to the floor, it exploded into bits of pieces. Under the cover of the smoke, he rolled; invading the incoming heat rays from the sky.

Draven perspired; he ran to a tree in his invisibility for a brief second. He strategized and picked a few stones from the ground. 'Hmm, even the stones feel like the real deal!'

The drones in the sky scanned the area and locked on to Draven with mini missiles on his tail.

'What the hell?? Why can't they just drop dead?'

He thought and skipped side to side. A missile struck the ground before Draven and blew up, sending Draven along with the dirt into the sky, hitting his back against the tree. Up-side-down, he slumped; his legs went numb. As huge jolts of pain travelled around his body.

He swallowed back, the blood building in his mouth.  He wanted to throw the towel but something within him just couldn't accept defeat. He chanted to himself "I can still fight... I can still fight"

He struggled to his feet; treads of blood streamed down my lips.

Primitive drumbeats echoed in his spirit,

Without losing sight of the drones, his irises turned blood red, radiating an ominous glow. He made a beckoning gesture.

In a formation of four, they trapped him, he smirked. He leaped up; the missiles hit the tree.


He swung to another tree and threw stones at the drone.

The drones moved to the side and avoided the stone. Distracted, Draven climbed and jumped, grabbing a drone in the air.

Its thrusters failed against the gravity, while falling; he used his remaining power to melt the drone and hopped to another. Sadly, the drone suddenly rose up, catching his intention. Draven rolled on the ground and released his whip and swatted the drone down like a fly. More drones circled around him, shooting missiles and bullets.

"These pesky flies Rrrrhhhhhh... AAAHH" he grabbed a shield from the ground, covering from their assault, with great force under his toes, he shot up and did a 360 turn in the air with his whip, and wacked them down; they crashed against the ground.

He gave off a drained smile, as he fell the room turned dark again.


And hit the metal floor. Draven heaved, palpitating wildly. He struggled to get on his feet. "Hey Vernon, I can't get up! Can you help me?"

Vernon said "There is recovery pill on the System's store. You can purchase one for 50exp"

Draven opened the system's store tab and bought one. In the centre of his palm a red pill materialised and chugged it into his mouth; his body healed at breakneck speed.

He stretched, cracking his sore back and walked to the control panel.

Draven shrugged at his strange gaze, he thought 'If only I had enough of fire energy, I could have easily cleaned the floor with them!'

'But that feeling of power! I want to feel it again!' smacking his lips in delight.

I said "Vernon can have another round and this time double the difficulty. and ...."

Draven's tummy groaned. He blushed with a wryly smile. 'Wait, I hadn't had breakfast yet!'


'What a freak!!' Vernon thought.

Did he think this was just a game? That was lethal... he could have died.'

'But, why did his eyes turn red and that creepy smile?... Maybe it's just something minor!'

'Whatever I should just focus on his growth. Tomorrow, I will recommend him good whip technique. It seems his potential is higher with the whip...

Maybe, he might be able to learn my favourite weapon. After all he is a battle maniac!'

Draven strolled through the gym, he stopped a foot away, meeting a familiar personality. They both blinked, trying to jog their memory.

'Wait a minute, isn't he Rocco Moretti?' Draven thought.

Rocco tipped his red cap up, his carabain-blue eyes shone in the light, said "I think I have seen you at school"

Draven "Yes, I am Draven Castel from grade 10."

Rocco said "Oh, Hi, Draven, do want anything? Perhaps, breakfast?"

Draven said "I was just going to! If you are offering, then I shall take it!"

Rocco chuckled "Good"

They both waited for the lift. Draven said "Where do you live?"

The elevator doors opened and we stepped in and pressed the ground floor. We continued chatting while the elevator went down.

Rocco said "I live nearby, in the Amrith apartment a block away from here. And you?"

Draven replied "I live in the old Mcbrook apartment in the next street. The 21street."

"Since you live here, do you know anywhere good, where we can grab a bite?"

Rocco said "I know a few. Would you like to have some bagel and doughnuts for breakfast?"

Draven said "That sounds nice, it's been a while since I last had a doughnut."

"Well, I know just the place." Rocco said


The elevator doors parted, Draven said "Then lead the way!"

Rocco and Draven walked a few blocks and stopped at a retro and ambient cafe.

It was certainly was a full house, waiters danced back and forth to the kitchen under the jovial chatter. We stood at the entrance for a minute, a young waitress approached and welcomed them with a smile. Wore jeans and flapjacks behind the apron with the cafe's logo.

She said "Hey I am Jena, how may I help you?"

Rocco said "Jena is it possible to get us a table of two?"

She looked behind Draven, exclaimed "Wait! Aren't you Rocco Moretti, the junior state champion?"

Rocco gave a sheepish grin and nodded.

"Yes, I am but don't mention it. That's old news"

Jena absentmindedly said "Oh, wait a minute! Let me see if there is any...." and left to the kitchen, to serve drinks and plates at a few tables with the other waiters. Across the cafe, she signaling them to an empty table.

They sat at the table, not far from the music speakers. Rocco said "What's available today?"

Jena pulled out a menu, said "This our breakfast menu"

We both took a look and ordered.

Draven preferred having a heavy breakfast,  ordered "I would like to have two breakfast burritos, two beef burritos with extra cheese, a plate of waffles with honey and chocolate syrup and two doughnuts with a cup of cuppachino"

Jena took my order down on her notepad and asked "Right now we have strawberry, chocolate, glazed and cream filled doughnuts."

I said "Oh then I will have a strawberry one and the cream filled doughnuts. And throw in a nice pretzel"

Jena pushed her brown hair back and said "Ok, that all! Right?"

I nodded. She turned to Rocco and placed his order. He ordered a stack of pancakes with maple syrup on top, and a cup of espresso.

Once she left for the kitchen.

Draven took a closer look around the cafe and discovered it didn't have any robot servers or cleaners or any of the technology most modern cafes and restaurants use.

Rocco said "How is this place?"

I said "It's different in a good way"

Rocco said "Yeah, It may be a bit traditional but I like it."

"Yes, like they say 'There is no school like the old school'." Rocco chuckled at Draven's comment.

While we chatted while we waited for our meals. A girl casually dressed, separated from her group seated at the table ahead of us.  She got up and walked to their table.

Rocco noticed her, said "Hello, Mira. What's up?"

She pushed her beige pink sports jacket covering her shoulder and her white strap blouse . Mira then took a seat next to Draven, opposite of Rocco. "Nothing, just entertaining my classmates. You don't mind if I join you guys?" she said, waiting for their approval.

Draven said "Of course, it alright."

Mira put a retro pink cap on the table. Jena set the plates onto the table and headed back to the kitchen to get our drinks. Before Jena left, Mira asked her to bring her breakfast. Mira tied her blonde hair into a messy bun.

She cheerfully spoke "Hey, what's your name? I'm Mira. I study at Winchester highschool"

Rocco said "Hey slow down, you gibber jabber!"

Draven said "Nice to meet you, Mira. It's Draven"

Mira said "You too, any friend of Rocco is a friend of mine!"

Rocco warned "Draven, watch out! Mira looks gentle but she sure is tough... coming from my personal experience" waryly glancing at Mira.

Mira giggled "Hey, that better be a compliment!"

"By the way, Draven you also look strong, are you going to join this year's super tournament? You can team up with us!" Mira suggested.

Draven said "Yeah, I wanted to but I don't think, I am strong enough!" itching the side of his nose.

Mira said "That's ok. Rocco why don't we test him?"

Rocco nodded. Jena served Mira her dish and our drinks. Mira said "Thanks, Jen"

Jena said to Mira "Hey Cus! remember to carry the dishes back to the kitchen after you finish."

Mira munched on her doughnut, with a full mouth, she said "Okay~"

Draven said "Do you work here?"

Mira shook her head "Nope, I am Jen's cousin and sometimes I stop by to help!"

After having light chat with Rocco and Mira, they exchanged contacts. 'Man, it's so nice of them, to think about training me for the state!' 

A stuffed Draven sauntered back to this apartment, he took a shortcut through the alley. Hands behind his neck, he thought 'Hmm, but I already have a trainer'

'Maybe, I should come back tomorrow and try her doughnuts!' Draven licked  his lips, expecting Mira's doughnuts to be good.

'Beautiful doughnuts' his sigh was cut short,  he sensed someone following him.

He walked at a face pace, before running, hearing the rushing footsteps behind him.

He passing a few alleys and stopped at a dead end, waiting for his stalker.

The wind silenced the pairs of feet, as they entered into his range.

On guard, Draven said "What is it that you want from me?" A tattooed man wearing baggy clothes stepped ahead of the group, said "Are you Draven? Our boss sent us  to pick you up!"

Draven said "Who is your boss?"

The man replied "Misty eyes"

Draven said "I don't know, who your boss is and I'm not going with you guys"

"Our boss predicted this and ordered us to beat some sense in ya!" said one of the gangsters, they drew out their weapons and cornered Draven in a formation of seven.

Draven got into a fighting pose. Suddenly, his eyes turned green.


[Defeat Misty Eyes's thugs and the hidden boss]

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