Ch 5: Queen of the Wood Elves

The young princess opens her eyes feeling that her head is laying upon something soft.

She moved her head to the side to see that it was her mother's face looking upon with a smile that is when the girl believed what she saw might as well be a dream.

Once Arlene rose from her mother's lap she took a look around to see that they were not back at their home, their castle.

“So what happened was real,” Arlene said in a low sad tone.

Her mother could see that sad expression on the girl's face, understanding what feeling she is going through right now.

Queen Edith places a hand on hers to at least let Arlene know that she is not alone in this world.

At the time the elf guard who was standing outside of the room kept watch and did not allow these two human females to step out without permission from the queen of their own if they were requested.

Right then another elf came walking towards the one standing guard she was beginning to speak with that elf in their languages.

The queen took note of what was going on outside, not able to understand what the two elves were talking about, but in a way told that it may have something to do with her and Arlene.

As the elf that was speaking with the guard who allowed that elf to enter inside.

“My queen requested two humans at once, but first you will have a bath and no clothes to replace that one you're wearing as of now.”

The two look at the elf girl before them and quickly remember she was the same one along with another who saved their life from the one hunting them down.

Queen Edith was about to be the first one to speak to this elf girl to firstly thank her and then ask questions.

Sadly that is not what this elf is not interested in. As to what she cares about is the huntmaster, her father.

There has been some time that he was gone along with others hunting down the one who took this elf brother's life.

“Come then no time is wasted.” the elf tells them as she is ready to leave.

“Um…. Thank you for saving our lives.” Arlene 

Hearing her say that made that elf girl step moving for a moment for her to say something.

“I wish I hadn't or my brother wouldn’t have his life be the one taken by who hunts you two.”

Hearing that Arlene was taken back, she could understand her as the girl spoke back.

“I am sorry to hear that.” That was all Arlene could say to her.

That was all this young princess could allow out her mouth while at the same time her mother queen Edith places a hand onto the girl's shoulder.

Sineat didn’t care to listen to this human girl's words as she turned her back and said only one word.

“Come.” Sineat then began walking out of the room as the two of them had no other choice, but to follow.

Once outside of the room they were kept in for safety and as prisoners, the two got to see the beauty of the world of the Wood-elves.

What amazed the two were how pretty each and everyone looked that could make any human jealous.

At first, the queen and the princess thought they were seeing these wood elves right away.

Yet that wasn’t going to happen until these two had the chance to at first wash and clean their bodies.

Sineat leads them to a place where her people go to clean themselves along with having some clothes ready for them to wear.

Before the queen and her daughter could begin they did have an uncomfortable feeling with some male Elves standing guard.

Queen Edith talked to Sineat about this, she didn’t understand what would be the problem to be naked in front of a male as nudity to her people means something different.

Nonetheless, she did what the human women asked, talking to some of those elf males telling them to leave, but stay close by.

When that was done they felt more relaxed as the two started to undress and work on washing their bodies while Sineat was there watching them.

Only took a few minutes until they were done and given new clothes to wear by Sineat.

Queen and princess Arlene were now truly ready to meet the wood elves, Queen.

Sineat led them deep into their forest where they lay eyes upon their Queen sitting on a throne that was a part of their home.

She was not alone; other wood elves were there as well.

“So you are the two humans that my people have told me, what is the reason you have come across our home.”

The Elf queen waited for one of them to speak and that was Queen Edith.

“Queen of the Wood Elves my name is Edith and this is my daughter Arlene we seek your protection from the one who hunts and from a man who took our home only for a time.”

The elf Queen thinks for only a minute of what was just said from this human woman who calls herself Edith.

“And what reason should we allow you two to be protected by us? This human problem has nothing to do with me and my people.”

“I understand that it is nothing to do, but surely you wouldn’t let me and my daughter be abandoned alone. I know you wood elves are better than that.”

“We are better than you humans as your kind are not more than animals taking what does not belong to you and killing those that it does. My people have suffered from this kind of action from humans.”

“I know that you have great distrust from humans, but we are not here as your enemy, but two humans need your help because the man who has done this to us as your people is not safe as well.”

Queen Edith says this to her as this was the truth their people will meet the same fate.

“What do you mean we are not safe?” Sineat asked without thinking.

All the wood elves and the Queen looked at her as she realized her action and fixed it quickly. 

“King Elwood is the man's name and his desire to create his Empire by any means doesn’t matter if you fight or try to seek peace from one of the others, he will take your home without a care.”

The Queen of the woods elves did not like this at all; there must be something to be done to stop such a fate from happening.

She needed to talk with her people about this to see what could be done at the same time there was a dark sense of someone or something making way for them.

The Queen was not the only one to feel this, the others also can sense this darkness.

“Who dares to unwelcome themselves with such evil into our lands,” she said out loud.

She and other wood elves looked in only one direction forward, Queen Edith and Arlene didn’t understand what was going on, but they did the same.

At that moment the one who was giving away the feeling of darkness showed itself in a finger covered by the hood over its head and holding onto something that was dripping blood.

“I allow myself to be noticed by you wood elves to make this easy for me as I am not looking forward to dealing with more problems. All I want is those two human females.”

Marcus moved a few steps forward for all to see him, but not only him there was also ahead of one of their own being held by the hair.

“Father!.” Sineat was the one to yell that out.

“Oh, this guy here was your father. How unlucky you are to lose a father and a brother so soon.”

Marcus says lifting the head of Sineat's father to him.

“He put up a good fight yet just like your brother he lost his life in the end,” he said laughing a little.

Sineat was ready to set herself upon him, but one of her stops that from happening as the Queen did not give the order as it seems she wants to speak with this creature.

“You are a disrespectful creature to have entered our home uninvited and spilled my kin's blood as well. I should have you pay for this evilness of action.  

“No, you don’t want to do that unless you want more wood elves' blood to spill on this earthly ground. Besides that, I am sure we can make a nice trade with each other.”

“What would I want from such a thing as you?” the elf Queen said with no interest in whatever it could be.h

Marcus moves a few steps closer toward her while the others keep a close eye on him making sure nothing comes to harm to their Queen.

At the same time, Queen Edith and princess Arlene also move back away from him hoping the wood elves will kill him soon instead of listening to whatever this monster has to say. 

“This trade I offer is their lives for your people's lives.” 

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