Chapter 14

Chapter 7: Spar Class

It was Sky Crane Academy who discovered that teaching magic to students would be effective and efficient if classes involved not only academics, but practical execution of the acquired knowledge as well. That was why in Sky Crane Academy, every class in the morning solely focused in academics, while classes in afternoon were all practical exercises.

Cultivation Class, Mana Training I, Basic Order Casting, and Spar Class I — these were the afternoon classes that were offered to the first year students of Sky Crane Academy. Among the mentioned classes, Spar Class was the most loved by majority of the learners, including the first lady of Grandeur Family, Ryuen.

“Commence,” declared Tyriad.

The moment Ryuen heard the signal from her instructor to start the spar, a wide grin was visible on her lips and she instantly chanted her spell, “20th Fire: Fireball.”

A ball of flame was seen emerging on Ryuen’s right hand right after the young lady finished her incantation. Wh
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