Chapter Nine

Altair vs hacker 

Someone screams the third day is already upon us. 

[ THE VARMILION BEAST ] these beast were everywhere in the safe house they don't have any magic ability and that's the only good part, but they are powerful and strong, one of varmilion bite can tear the human being. 

Fighting the beast was hard, since we all have one common enemy we fought together but no matter how many times we kill them they keep on coming. We have to keep on fighting and surviving till the scenario ends. 

Suho can kill them in one hit, using his vector ability also with his lightning strike. I wasn't fighting in close range. Having the magic arrow is a blessing. I just kept on firing. 

Sussy with her strength, one hit gives the vermilion heavy damage. We kept on fighting. Our only weak point is Mana energy. 

The Mana energy continued decreasing but the vermilion kept growing in numbers this made lose some players. While some players with coins were buying more health recovery and Mana energy.

We fought until the time of the scenario ran down. It's a miracle I am still alive. My mana energy went down to zero. I am alive because we fought together. 

The scenario ended when we started saying goodbye, Marco walked down to me " I see you made it too, you are no longer that weak guy who was screaming the other day" said Marco. 

His words lifted my spirits, Marco was pretty worn out " see you in the next scenario " I said to Marco. 

Today part of me was happy, the other part was sad. What am I supposed to do? I have no coins left and I am out of Mana energy. Sussy too was also exhausted. I guess everyone is but my problem is how am I going to fight against hacker in order to save Rem. 

I was having a deep thought about it when Suho walked towards me. 

"Are you ready, we need to start going," said Suho. "Where are we going?" I asked. 

"I told you before, after this scenario you will help me steal something" said Suho. "And what is that?" 

"It is a rare item, it's an item that increases energy, I told you I would explain more " replied Suho. 

I looked at Sussy. There's something more important than finding an item, that's saving Rem. I told Suho I can't go with him, I am expecting someone.

I told him everything that has happened to Rem and asked for his help, Suho offered to help. 

" How do we find hacker?" Suho asked. "He will come to us," I replied. Hacker knows that I must be here so we are going to wait. I walked to Sussy. 

"Sussy are you ok? Suho will be with us for a while. He wants to help us too with Rem, are you ok with it?" I asked. 

Sussy agrees to it but still won't talk to Suho, neither Suho wants to talk with her. It was a sunny day, the sky was so bright and beautiful, I couldn't believe the game would be this stressful. I can't remember the last time I had a good rest or good food. 

Into a city, a city Altair owns, after taking Rem away from me he called Yako to come check on Rem. Yako is a girl who's twenty years old, her ability is called sensory, she has the ability to sense and detect magic.

"She's under a spell," said Yako. "Can you fix her?" Altair asked. "Yes I can but it will take some days, but we are running out of time because she's going to die today," said Yako. 

"She can't, I need her, there are not many users with future sight, I think she's the only one with it," said Altair. 

"How did you find her?" Yako asked. " It was easy, days ago she activated a future sight and one of my magic caster sensed her, she's supposed to be in this so-called game," explained Altair. 

The only way to wake her up from this spell is killing the caster, Altair accepted the option and he started preparing for a battle with Hacker. Yako was able to track down the hacker she did after connecting her magic energy with hacker magic energy she was able to pinpoint him. 

Altair put on his armor and opened a portal to where cracker is, after stepping out from the portal he met hacker. 

"Which one of you cast a spell on the future sight girl?" Altair asked. He was asking them, both hacker and 


Cracker whispered to hacker, "I think he is talking about the little girl in the woods. " 

"Well, I came to set her free and for that you have to die," said Altair. "Hey hacker, are you sure you want to fight him alone? If we fight together we will have greater advantage," said cracker. 

Hacker has been looking for a fight like this, he saw Altair as a worthy opponent so he told cracker not to get involved. 

The place was calm, there was tension in the air, hacker made the first move, " Activate temporary stasis " , said Hacker. 

Temporary stasis is a spell that prevents the opponent from moving for a minute, when activated Altair couldn't move, hacker laughed and continued walking towards Altair. 

Altair activated his gravity ability, he made that area 10 times the earth gravity, Altair gravity can't cover a wide range. 

This then made hacker move slowly and it became harder for hacker to move. 

"It seems your temporary stasis can be effective for one minute," said Altair. 

Altair opened a portal. He put his hand inside and brought out a hammer, just to be safe Altair opened another portal beside the hacker. Altair swung his hammer, he swung it into the portal close to him. The same hammer came out from the other portal which was right beside hacker. 

A very powerful attack as the hammer hit hacker and sent him flying, hacker landed on his feet as he skid back. 

" I am surprised that you are still standing, one hit of my hammer attack is enough to destroy the human body," said Altair. 

"No doubt, I felt heavy pain from your attack but I am not an ordinary human, and for your gravity all I need to do is increase my speed and strength so I can move freely," said Hacker. 

Hacker increases his speed, he moves at the speed of sound coming toward Altair he activates windbreaker and sends it to attack Altair a hit from this powerful attack spell can disregard virtually any form of magical defense. 

But hacker baffled, his attack had no effect on Altair, the armor Altair is wearing is a rare item low tier magic can't break it defense. 

Altair strikes back, again using his portal as a transportation hacker dodge the hammer then go straight and hits the ground, pulverizing it suddenly Altair retract the hammer with full force, hacker jumps backward to dodge his attack. 

"So he's going to keep using his portal to attack me because he keeps distance between us, so boring," said hacker. He smiled. 


Hacker activate a dimensional lock that allows the user to render the enemy teleportation and transfer magic as unusable. At that moment Altair couldn't open a portal

Hacker jammed his hands together he opened his mouth wide from inside he brought out a rare item the astral smite. 

The astral smite is a weapon shaped as a scythe. " After blocking your portal let us see how you can cope in close combat ," said Hacker. 

He furiously attacked Altair, putting enough strength in his attack he swung the astral smite Altair balanced himself on the ground and blocked his attack with the hammer the two weapons collided. The force of the weapon cracked the earth, the area where both hacker and Altair stood. 

They were attacking, swinging their weapons. Hacker can easily Dodge Altair's attack ; he's faster than Altair. Hacker saw an open he hit his astral smite on Altair armor body, it sent Altair flying. Altair stumbled on the ground. 

He quickly stood up by using his armor. He struck the earth with some huge pieces of earth in mid air, Altair used his hammer hitting the earth towards hacker, hacker just dodge them he hit some of it to another direction. 

Altair used the earth to distract hacker . He wanted to take him off guard as he dashed towards him to attack him, he swung his hammer and despite taking hacker off guard he dodge Altair attack. 

"You are pretty slow, no wonder you are using gravity magic, just to slow down the opponent, but today you met the wrong person to play with," said Hacker. 

Hacker move very fast before Altair, he got behind him and went low by striking Altair on his leg, Altair lost balance he saw himself in mid air hacker used his astral smite to hit him on his armor chest, so powerful Altair hit the  earth creating a deep hole as the earth pulverized. 

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