Chapter 23: The Midnite Family's Mission

Immediately, hundreds of chains appeared from midair and enveloped Ann Reed. Kent hastily shouted, but Logan yelled at him. He said that he just wanted to strengthen the orb so that Ann Reed couldn't get out of it.

Logan looked at Kent with disappointment. He thought for a moment and then sighed: "Anyway, you've found the wrong person. Tao is not a good medium to communicate with the afterlife. Oh my God! I'm tired of those dead people."

Seeing Kent's anguished expression, Logan softened his voice. He thinks that if he has not been of any help to Kent, he will not try to rub salt into his heart. The meeting of the two today made Logan suddenly remember something that he wanted to bury in his memory forever.

Logan patted Kent's shoulder, advising him to give up his fanciful goals. Unexpectedly, Kent grabbed Logan's arm tightly and said loudly, "I must definitely talk to my friend. Because otherwise I will die… before avenging poor Ann Reed and him.”

Realizing that Kent's per
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