Chapter 168

Chapter 168


Edward after dropping off abby went home,he wondered why maria had calling him like that,he hoped she had some useful news of course

He called her after showering and she answered almost immediately

"Yes maria"he answered not ready to put up a fight with her since he had just recently had one of the best days in a long time

"Why weren't you taking my calls??"she asked sounding upset

"I was busy but i don't think i need to explain that to you"he said

"Why do you treat me like this Edward don't i do everything you ask me to do and yet you still treat me like some piece of trash"okay so he had planed to be nice to her but what was with the attitude now

"Are you going to tell why why you were calling me or should i just hang up?"he asked getting back to his cold usual voice

That seemed to put her in her place

"No,don't hang up"she begged him

He didn't say anything waiting for her to continue

"Well,am pregnant"she said

"What????,when did you find out???"he ask
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