Chapter 7

Cuzo was not done defending the parrots as he continued to babble on, drifting the original topic he was going to discuss with Gabrielle together far away.

“Parrots is Hailou States national smart furry animals” Cuzo said in a justified tone and emphasizes something again in the next sentence that was uttered with great momentum.

“Parrots are very smart than us, they are very cute and furry, their feather is so soft and nice to touch and also...” Cuzo always repeated the words ‘cute’ and smart’ describing the parrots with an intoxicated expression in his face many times that Gabriel faint smile that his lips had formed go down, and twitches at this idiocy his enemy is showing so shamelessly to his sight.

Even the Henn sibling present, Kuro and Clone twitches their lips at their young master public display of idiocy.

But Gabriele is not so patient to listen to Cuzo rambling about parrots which in his eyes, was already recognized as an idiot person saying nonsense, doubling the time he gonna waste in this day, instead of cleaning the dusty part which is ‘non-existent’ in his apartment…

"Let us get to the point already" Gabriele impatiently cut Cuzo off as he waited what will be the other person news is going to say.

Both of his hands that were inside of his pocket a while ago was spread wide on both side and rested at the top of the couch head where he sat on.

“ …” Cuzo become silent when he heard the impatience in Gabriele tone.

Cuzo calmed down and he too chooses a seat nearby him and took a seat.

He was sober now, he was not respected at all by this guy.

So he was just dreaming all this time when he finally thought he got a bit of superiority to this guy whom his sytem, Apella said had a system more powerful than him.

He was just airy. Thinking of what 'superiority, superiority' he was thinking to himself a while ago.

It really hurts feeling the invisible slap prints in his cheeks as if he felt it for real.

No, this was already real.

His thin face is so hot, was ashamed at being slap suddenly not having an opportunity to counteract.

“ … “ silent, he settled down to his chosen seat and look at Gabriele who was still looking at him with that gaze, clearly waiting for him to convey the ‘important’ news to him with impatience.

How bad is this guy endurance temper?

Maybe if this guy applied to be a Hero or to be an ordinary Hero, his endurance test limit in saving the troubled citizens all at once will be rates as, zero, of course.

But that was what he likes the most.

That only means that this guy is really not nosy and regarded everyone in his eyes as air, unable to get to his eyes.

There will be no trouble later on if he and the companions that already agreed with him to take over will execute the plan that they had planned for so long in many years.

Cuzo felt his not so handsome face hot when he came into contact at those dark eyes that seemed to see through him causing for it to send shiver down to his spine.

But, it really hurts, do it really need to emphasize that he was not handsome?

" ... “Of course no one could and have the ability to answer him if he doesn’t ask, well even though if he ask, he knows he will only get a poisonous response instead, but, at least a demon suddenly appear and will say its response for the emphasized words that is used on describing.

Just don’t know who is the demon that the devil in his other ear constantly whispers some evil words to him is referring to.

"First thing of all, i hope you won’t get shock or-" Cuzo took a deep breath as he once again experience being cut off.

It is really a shame for him to be cut off twice when he was finally talking nicely and politely, well, even though there was still a little bit of arrogance in his tone.

"I said cut it off already, just say it direct-" this time, Cuzo cut off Gabriele hurriedly after the guy opposite him was halfway at finishing his sentence.

"We plan on going to dominate Hailou State" the words finally fell, Cuzo inhaled and exhaled, feeling fresh.

Gabriele hidden face inside is black like the color of the pot when already overused.

The way Cuzo said those words like he was not doing something big or something major that could be forever change anyone living in this world life.

But then, digesting what Cuzo had said to him,

Gabriele repeated the first word that Cuzo had uttered with a low voice a while ago.

"We? You said, it is we? You are not the only one thinking of this stupid thing?" Gabriele asked finally with a faint smile hanging onto his lips as he tilted his head to playfully look at Cuzo who exploded the system of his body once again.

It was as if, what Cuzo had said to him of dominating the world was just a joke so he doesn’t give any special attention to it as he entered the playful mode instead to waste the little minute that was left for Cuzo to use on having a discussion with him.

Sure enough, Cuzo who had exploded stood up.

Cuzo once again exploded as he shouted to vent, "It is not stupid! It’s called domination, okay! Domination, ya hear me?"

Gabriele lips twitches as he sneered and said, "It is stupid. Who’s stupid guy want to dominate the world when you can just sit around while watching the people like ants crawling under my feet without doing anything that wasted such a precious time that can be used on cleaning your dusty apartments" thinking that this guy is still a little boy at mind and heart, he just set an example of being an omnipotent who is doing nothing but can still have the things that he badly wanted.

Him? He only wanted his apartment to be clean all day, not having any single dot on every part of his apartment.

If the guy sitting opposite him wanted to dominate the world, then, he will only set an example first’ that, to become one of omnipotent people, the guy there sitting opposite him need to see humans as humans crawling on his feet.

That is the basic step.

And that is finish. No discussion.

It is a pity, Cuzo is not playing and really planned on dominating the world with his fellow companions and planned on making him join them too.

‘You are just a clean freak!’ Clone who had experience Gabriele expressing his disgust to his glittering dust shouted internally inside of him.

So furious, he really wanted to punch that smiley face that even though the original face was hidden well, still excludes a strong arrogance and superiority that they could not just ignore at will.

But because Clone doesn’t want to destroy what his young master was trying to build with this guy, he really held back his impulse well.

It’s great too as he knows, in his opinion secretly inside his heart, that the demon lurking from time to time inside his kidney told him, that he was not really a match for this guy.

It is best if he avoids making the tragic scene at the small room that the fight between him and Gabriele will took place once again.

Clone really doesn’t want that to happen again.

He was even embarrassed when admitting defeat or surrender to his enemy, he really doesn’t want others to see, especially his young master and big brother, to see his miserable appearance at being beaten multiple times that his face is not recognizable anymore.

Ah, he was reluctant to sacrifice his handsome face.

So, an excuse really is needed for him and what’s more, the reasonable excuse is easy to find after hearing the conversation his young Master strike up first.

So unreasonable.

Cuzo become silent and stared at Gabriele face, his shallow and grey eyes except for that arrogance that seemed not wanting to go away from him had a little bit of worshipping to the person sitting opposite him with a relax posture, not having that kind of tense causing for the stronger oppression aura in the air a while ago when the misunderstanding for both of the two of them is still not cleared.

This is a real omnipotent! The Sotiras and heroes he had met is no match for this guy way of thinking.

Who dared to use humans in this world as an ants like a monster crawling at their feet with broken body and their green or black blood splattering everywhere?

Humans are the fertilizer of system and soils.

Farmers are the one that is handling their everyday food.

And a farmer is a human too, if Humans was treated like an ant crawling at their feet, then what are they?

When they were like beggars waiting to be given by what Humans had worked hard to sow.

Cuzo moved his seat a little bit closer to where Gabriele sat at and finally settled down 1 meter down far away from where Gabriele is after that icy and cold dark eyes landed on him.

"So do you want to, to join us?" Cuzo ask attentively waiting for Gabriele response with high expectation inside his heart, only for his high expectation to be broken like a glass shattering when Gabriele response fell, full of indifference.

"Like I have said to you before, i sees humans like ants, even this State is as tiny as my fingertips, i be wasting my time if ever I joined you doing something stupid" Gabriele finishes of his sentence with a faint smile hidden behind those smiley mask.

But Cuzo knows that Gabriele opposite him had smiled, sneeringly at his so called 'stupidity' when he saw the usually icy cold dark eyes curve slightly upwards as if showing its owner good mood.

Cuzo face turned white, then red, then black. It was simply too funny to watch.

Gabriele thin purse lips curled upwards as he watches Cuzo face color changing from time to time.

The deadlock atmosphere between the two of them continued but then was broken when Cuzo servants, Kuro and Clone walked inside.

Gabriele retracted his gaze from Cuzo funny face changing and look at Kuro who was striding with big steps at his direction-no, this guy was coming to his Young Master direction.

Kuro when he finally was beside his Young master, bend his knee gracefully a little and raises his hands to cover half of his lips and reach for his Young Master ears.

Kuro whispered something in his young master ear and finally stood up straight behind his Young master when he finally finishing saying something to his Young master that he wanted.

Gabriele of course can hear what Kuro said if he wanted to, but because he was not accustomed to being nosy, he ignored it and retracted his gaze at the two figure once again and fell at Clone figure, holding that Legendary electric Shock cage that size was unexpectedly reduce into half, like the cage of any normal bird that was kept as a pet.

Clone after sensing Gabriele gaze falling on his figure quivered a little, the trauma that this guy had inflicted on him had really made him miserable to the extent where only just a simple gaze, he will think of what happened between the two of them.

It is simply a monster-no, it is more terrifying than monsters constantly lurking around at every city.

Thinking of this, he felt half of his body hurt out of the blue as he sprinted fast at his brother side while tightly holding he Legendary Electric Shock Cage he was holding that he already deemed as fake because it does not hold off a person at all, well even though he does not know if he can call Gabriele a person?

Is it a terrifying monster under human skin?

Clone once again quivered as he makes an eye contact with those icy cold dark eyes with his green eyes.

Gabriel lips smiled faintly as he Clone small series of action as he opened his lips to ask Cuzo whose face still black like a pot that has been used.

Gabriele was slightly startled when he saw this and swear he won’t have a face as black like the butt of a pot because it is too ugly in reality.

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