04. "Thousand Years with Goddess and Start of New Journey"




As I delved deeper into my training with the Goddess, my thirst for knowledge grew stronger. I had learned about the basics of cultivation and now, I was ready to dive into the tiers. These were the levels of power that beings in this world were divided into, based on their physical and soul strength.

The first tier was for the normal mortals, whose lifespan was limited to a mere hundred years. Within this tier, there were three stages - Low, Mid, and High. The Low-stage was for those who lived an ordinary life, while the Mid-stage was for martial artists, athletes, and elites of society. As for the High-stage, it was for the elite of the elites, those martial artists who had mastered their techniques to the highest point. Their punches could stir up the air, create gusts of wind, or even shatter boulders into dust.

Moving on to the second tier, these were for the mid-mortals who had a lifespan of up to 200 years. Similar to the first tier, it was divided into Low, Mid, and High stages, but the strength levels had increased significantly.

The third tier was for the peak mortals, whose lifespan could extend up to a thousand years. They possessed immense physical strength, with punching strengths ranging from 100 to 999 tons.

And then there was the fourth tier - the Godhood level. Those who reached this level had lifespans ranging from a thousand to ten thousand years, and their strength levels were on a completely different level. Their punching strength ranged from 1000 tons to a staggering 100,000 tons.

Finally, there was the fifth tier, the True God level. Those who had attained this level were essentially immortal, with lifespans ranging from a hundred million to a billion years. As for their punching strength, it was beyond even my wildest imagination.

As I absorbed this knowledge, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. The sheer scale of power in this world was staggering, and I couldn't wait to see what lay beyond the tiers that were currently out of my league. 


"Hey brat, get started," the Goddess spoke to me in a stern tone. Her words echoed in my mind as I looked around, feeling somewhat disoriented. It took me a few moments to realize that I was no longer in my own body. Instead, I had been given a new vessel - a temporary form to house my consciousness and experience the world in a new way.

The Goddess had transferred her knowledge directly to my mind, and I could feel it pulsing through my veins like a torrent of electricity. It was both exhilarating and overwhelming, and I knew that I needed to take things slow if I was going to fully digest and understand everything that had been given to me.

"I will," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. The enormity of what lay ahead of me was starting to sink in, and I felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. This was an opportunity like no other, a chance to learn directly from a deity and unlock secrets that most mortals would never even glimpse.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the Bodhi tree, the ancient trunk looming above me like a sentinel. I sat down cross-legged beneath its shade and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing and trying to calm my racing thoughts.

And then it happened.

A wonderful sensation began to pour down on me, filling me with a sense of peace and contentment that I had never felt before. It was as though the very essence of the tree itself was flowing into my body, infusing me with its ancient wisdom and knowledge.

I let out a soft moan, my body trembling with the intensity of the experience. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, a transcendent moment that seemed to stretch on forever.

As I opened my eyes, I knew that I was forever changed. The knowledge that the Goddess had bestowed upon me was now mine to wield, and I was filled with a sense of purpose and clarity that I had never felt before.

I stood up, feeling my new body move with a grace and fluidity that I had never known. This was just the beginning of my journey, but I knew that I was ready for whatever lay ahead.


As I spent centuries comprehending knowledge and building my library, time seemed to fly by without my notice. With the guidance of The Goddess, I transformed my mind palace into an enormous library, where every piece of knowledge was stored in orderly manner. With a simple thought, I could access any book I needed, flipping through the pages to find the information I sought.

As I delved deeper into the knowledge of cultivation techniques, martial arts, alchemy, and runes, I realized that I needed to create my own techniques, tailored to my unique being. With The Goddess's help, I pushed my compression to the Zenith level, allowing me to understand the essence of each technique and combine them into my own. Decades passed as I worked tirelessly on my techniques, but time seemed irrelevant as I was lost in my passion for knowledge.

Despite my busy schedule, I never forgot to spend time with The Goddess, cherishing every moment we shared. I cooked for her, sang and danced, and did everything I could to repay her kindness. As time passed, I felt a bond grow between us, and I hoped that my company brought her some comfort.

After years of dedication and hard work, my training under The Goddess had finally come to an end. We celebrated late into the night, with wine flowing freely and laughter ringing through the air. But even in the midst of this joyous revelry, my mind was consumed by thoughts of the future. I had a vision, a dream of a custom-made system that would provide me with resources and an AI companion to journey with me to the multiverse.

I hesitated to make this request, but The Goddess was gracious and understanding. She promised to create the system for me as a gift, though it would take some time. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart, determined to spend my remaining time in this realm expanding my knowledge of Earth civilization.

As the day of my departure drew near, The Goddess called me to her side. She had one last gift for me, a small white ball of light that she sent into my mind. It would bind to my soul, ensuring that I could never forget the lessons I had learned and the memories I had made in this realm.

"You never told me which world you want to be born into," The Goddess said, her eyes kind and gentle.

I took a deep breath, calling to mind the name I had chosen for her. "Yuko," I said. "I will call you Goddess Yuko. And thank you for everything you've done. I will never forget the sweet memories I have of this realm."

I bowed deeply, showing my gratitude and respect. The Goddess smiled, her warmth radiating through the air. "You're welcome, my dear. I have enjoyed spending time with you, and I wish you the best of luck in your future travels."

Suddenly, I noticed a bright light surrounding me, and I felt my consciousness slipping away. Before I lost my focus entirely, I heard The Goddess bless me and send me good wishes. I knew then that my time in this realm had come to an end, and I closed my eyes, ready to be reborn anew.

////// (Jak POV End) \\\\\\


////// (Goddess Yuko Short POV) \\\\\\

As I watched my only disciple depart, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of loneliness in my heart. But it was quickly replaced with a warm feeling of contentment. It was the first time I had felt such a thing, and it made me wonder what it would be like to have a family of my own.

I closed my eyes and imagined a world where I had a partner to share my life with and children to raise. The thought filled me with a sense of joy and purpose that I had never experienced before. I smiled to myself, feeling grateful for the unexpected emotion that had found its way into my heart.

As I opened my eyes, I made a mental note to explore this idea further in the future. Perhaps I could create a family of my own in some way. The thought excited me, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

I knew that whatever the future held, I would face it with an open heart and a willingness to explore all the possibilities that life had to offer. And who knows? Maybe one day I would find the love and companionship that I had always longed for.




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