Chapter 75: Personal main quest triggered ?
Back within his pavilion, Gu Lin Fang watched as Xu Wu Qong suppressed his prisoners before forcing them into a wooden coffin that was brought over.

Both Patriarchs were chained thoroughly and left to suffer through the burning effects of the poison in their system.

"It's done, Lord Patriarch" 'Xu Wu Qong' says with a light smile.

Unsurprisingly, Gu Lin Fang nodded briefly before asking, "what did you feel, seeing your family again?".

"Disgust..." Such was the answer that came out without hesitation.

Unable to hold back, Gu Lin Fang's laughter dripped with obvious sarcasm, "hahaha... Disgust?... hahaha".

After settling down, he said, "why don't you get rid of such disgusting things, so you don't feel like that again?".

"If it's your wish"

Gu Lin Fang chose not to respond and tried making connection with his shadow guard

"It's about time"


Meanwhile, In the distance, Xin Xing and Lin Huang were watching the appearance of the Gu family mansion, but couldn't help mar
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