Chapter 3: First Boss

An hour had passed since Daemon and Lockheart's conversation, and now they found themselves sitting together, captivated by the mesmerizing sunset in the virtual world. The game boasted a realistic time loop, where the sun gradually set, causing shadows to shift and objects to be bathed in a warm, orange-yellow glow. As they soaked in the breathtaking scenery, Daemon couldn't help but acknowledge the game's unparalleled visual beauty.

Daemon finally broke the silence, diverting their attention. "You know, Lockheart, we unlocked two new systems recently."

Lockheart, reluctant to interrupt the serene moment, sighed softly. She preferred to bask in the enchanting sunset rather than engage in a conversation. Nevertheless, she responded, "Alright, go ahead."

Sensing her disinterest, Daemon couldn't help but notice something was bothering her. "Is something on your mind?" he inquired, concerned.

Lockheart shook her head, attempting to dismiss her worries. "No, it's nothing. Please, continue."

Taking a deep breath, Daemon proceeded to explain the newly unlocked systems. "We now have the Equipment System and the Gem System. It would be wise to consult the guides and familiarize ourselves with them."

Lockheart acknowledged his words with a half-hearted nod before opening the menu and clicking on the "Gem System" button. A symbol resembling a triangle with empty circles at each corner appeared on the screen when she did.

Daemon leaned closer, pointing at the empty circles, hoping to catch Lockheart's attention. "Whenever you come across a gem, you can drag and place it into these empty circles. By doing so, you'll receive bonus stats and benefits."

Lockheart nodded, grasping the concept, before moving on to the "Equipment System."

As she clicked on it, an intricate virtual representation of her character's anatomy emerged on the display. Empty circles adorned her hands, body, neck, feet, and even her short wand.

Daemon pointed at her character's anatomy, attempting to provide further clarity. "You see, for instance, at the moment, your only piece of equipment is a short wand. Its tier is indicated by the frame. Currently, your wand is of the white tier, which is the lowest in the game. So, whenever you stumble upon a short wand with a lighter and brighter frame, it signifies a rarer and more powerful tier. Simply replace your existing equipment with these superior items by dragging and dropping."

Though the concept seemed somewhat perplexing to Lockheart, she managed to respond, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind, I suppose..."

Returning to the menu, Lockheart noticed a conspicuous red circle in the "Events" section, stirring her curiosity. She clicked on it, revealing a new message.

"[Floor 2: Desertium] Boss is unlocked... Join the fight ASAP. (People above level 20+ can join)."

Lockheart exclaimed, "Um, Daemon, you should see this."

Daemon swiftly read the message and retrieved a Teleport Crystal from his pocket. "Let's go!"

A sudden realization struck Lockheart as panic took hold. "Wait! I don't know how to teleport! Hey, don't leave me behind!"

Without hesitation, Daemon activated the teleportation spell, whisking himself away to the Boss Area, unintentionally leaving Lockheart behind.

Meanwhile, Lockheart's frustration grew as she remained alone under the tree, still watching the fading sunset.

As Daemon materialized in the Boss Area, he was immediately greeted by a chaotic scene. Sparkling lights and battle cries pierced through the blustery winds of the desert-themed terrain. Only a few steps forward, and he could witness other players engaged in a fierce struggle against a massive creature that appeared to be a Giant Cactus-Human Hybrid. Drawing from his experience in games, Daemon quickly assessed the boss's mechanics with a mere glance. "AOE damage with spikes. Simple," he smirked, underestimating the challenge that lay ahead.

The boss neared its demise, unleashing a flurry of relentless attacks, but no player seemed capable of landing a hit.

"When a boss is on the brink of defeat, it enters an enraged state. This grants the boss increased attack speed, agility, and occasionally triggers special attacks. Got it, Lockheart?" Daemon turned around, expecting to find Lockheart by his side, only to realize she was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, I must have left her behind," Daemon sighed, filled with guilt.

Knowing he had to press on, Daemon swiftly dodged the incoming spines, his sword slicing through the air as he dashed towards the boss. With a precise strike, he managed to sever one of the deadly spines just in time.

Benefitting from Lockheart's speed and agility boost, combined with a stroke of luck, Daemon sprinted like the wind, closing the distance to the boss. In a display of acrobatics, he leaped into the air, unsheathing his sword, and cleaved the boss from top to bottom, sealing its fate.

"[Congratulations to Daemon for slaying the Cactus-Human Hybrid!]"

The system notification popped up, accompanied by a series of rewards:

[Daemon obtained Orange Tier Mythril Sword x1]

[Daemon obtained Level 5 Sapphire x2]

[Daemon obtained Kud x5,000]

[Daemon obtained EXP x2,117]

However, instead of receiving congratulatory remarks, Daemon faced the wrathful glares of other players who were angered by his sudden appearance and subsequent claim to the rewards.

"Seriously? Are you kidding me? We lost the reward to a teenager!"

"Beginner's luck, I suppose!"

Fortunately for Daemon, the game's safety mechanics prevented any direct aggression or bullying. Swiftly, he retrieved his teleport crystal and shouted, "[Teleport→ Near friend:] Lockheart!"

Rain poured down on the Main Floor as Lockheart continued to watch the fading sunset, sheltered beneath a colossal tree. Suddenly, Daemon materialized behind her.

"Hi, Lockheart. How are you doing?" he greeted, hoping to alleviate the tension.

"Shut up!" Lockheart snapped, her voice dripping with frustration.

Lockheart pouted and confronted him, "You left me here!"

"I apologize. I assumed you knew how to teleport. Let me show you," Daemon said, taking the teleport crystal out of his pocket.

He continued, "To teleport, you simply take this dark blue crystal out of your pocket, say or think the name of the desired location, and you'll be teleported as the crystal glows."

Lockheart sighed, the irritation beginning to dissipate, and Daemon added, "I didn't realize you were interested in boss fights."

Lockheart rolled her eyes in response. "It's not about the fight itself. I'm upset because I missed out on the participation reward. Everyone received a level 4 ruby except me..."

Understanding her disappointment, Daemon empathized with her. Opening his inventory, he retrieved something special. "Fine, here! Take this! It's even better than a ruby!"

The system notification appeared once again:

[Daemon gifted Lockheart (Level 5 Sapphire x2)!]

Lockheart examined the sapphires in her hands, realizing their superior level. Curiosity prompted her to ask, "Wow, these are level 5. Are they better?"

Daemon sighed, nodding in confirmation. "I received an additional reward for defeating the boss, and I thought you deserved it too. My class, Blademaster, doesn't require the stats provided by the sapphires."

A warm smile finally graced Lockheart's face as gratitude washed over her. "Wow, Daemon, that's really kind of you! Thank you."

Daemon felt compelled to clarify his intentions. "I did it because it was the right thing to do. Not because you demanded it like a feminist who just discovered 'mansplaining' doesn't exist."

Lockheart's smile faded, and a warning glare replaced it. She opened the menu, navigated to the "Friends" section, and selected Daemon's avatar.

"You're pushing your luck, Daemon..."

"Alright, I'll refrain from speaking for now..." Daemon conceded, understanding he had crossed a line.

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