
Chasing the sounds of danger and distress Faris and Axil race deep into the northern black forest. Closing into the commotion, hounds of the night are circling, furious and hungry for flesh.

"Wait, do you see them? I make out seven."

Axil says, halting to a crouching position, staring into the dark.

"And somebody on top. Looks like a boy.."

"Any ideas?"

"Just one."

"Hello there!!"

Axil calls.

"Hello? Please help!"

A woman's voice replies from atop the prison.

"We are working on it, just don't move!"

Axil and Faris feel the ground for dead branches and twigs. Tying them together with travel bandages they light the two torches. Holding the swords and torches above their heads, the two stand side by side, creating the appearance of a large creature and begin moving towards the rock. Replicating the sounds of a bear, slowly they walk forward.

"If this does not work..."

"Relax, it'll work."

Faris assures his very nervous friend.

The wolves are barking and snarling, trying to run up the rock face.

"It's not working Faris!"

"Just stay calm and stick to the plan. Remember; no eye contact, no fear and absolutely no running."

"Yeah, no running."

Axil murmurs as his heart beats like a birds.


The hostage pleads, feeling her life's end closing in.

Approaching the sixteen rows of snarling fangs they realise they have gotten close! The wolves turn! Dark, hateful and powerful enough to tear a large deer to shreds. Flaring their teeth gnarling and vicious, the pack stare unflinching and bold.

"What have we done?"

"Relax Axil; confident but not threatening okay?"



"I got it!"

Axil nods.

The vengeful eyes of a dozen wild beasts glow piercing white against the flames, staring at the impending creature with judgement. Axil's grip around the torch turns red, each breath draws deeper, each beat thumps harder. Glowing beneath the flames they are easy prey without hope against the wrath of natural predators. The buzzards in light of the approaching monster turn, fleeing into the darkness.

Axil lets out a nervous laugh in relief which Faris joins. They approach the rock to wrap up a job well done.

"You can come down now, it's just us here."

Axil boasts, feeling rather chuffed with himself.

No reply comes, just quite sobbing. Axil and Faris look at each other feeling a little awkward as neither really know what to do. Axil nods his head to tell Faris it's his turn…

"Hello, miss? It's safe now. you can come down."

"How can I know you are more safe than the wolves?"

A frightened voice asks.

Faris looks at Axil as if to throw his hands in the air.

"We have just risked our…

Look, my name is Faris and this is my companion and collegue: Axil. We are investigators out here from Vatala on an case. If we never came you would still be trapped. We just need to know you're alright, but if you would prefer we can just leave you here, it's your choice."

Again no answer from atop the rock, just gentle sobbing. Looking up, it is evident she is a little shaken and needs her own space. Axil looks at Faris wondering what to do as it is evident they do not want to leave somebody in the deep wilderness alone at this time, but what can be done? Faris and Axil continue to listen a moment longer and agree it's probably best to just leave.

"Please, wait!"

A soft voice begs.

They turn back as Axil whispers

"I'm not standing out here all night."

"Um miss, err... What is your name?"

Faris asks the small bare foot peaking off the ledge.

"Miya. My name: it's Miya."

"Miya, are you hurt?"


"Miya, are you able to climb down?"


"Miya, I'm going to need you to do just as I ask for me to guide you down okay?"


"Can you try to lie flat on your belly and reverse yourself down? We are right here to help once you're over the ledge."

"I, I can't. It's too high!"

"Alright. Just give us a moment."

"How did she manage to get up there?"

Axil quietly asks as he looks at the surface for a way to climb.

Faris tries to find something that can be used as a tool or rope or something but nothing can be found out here.

"Miya? Miya I'm coming up, is that alright?"

"Hm hmm."

Faris hears from a voice beginning to find itself.

Setting the torches aside, Axil kneels and Faris climbs on his shoulders. Axil looks up for the go ahead and stands up, raising Faris high enough to get a grip on the top surface. Faris holds tight and pulls himself to find a slim woman in her early twenties. Long auburn hair, large amber eyes, pale skin, purple lips and curled up as she stares into the distance with a shiver.

Putting his gloved hand out Faris says

"Come, let's get down from here."

Miya looks at him as if he is all that she has left in the world, as if the rest of her world has shattered into tiny pieces. Some people just take a frightening situation like that to heart. Miya takes his hand, she stands up and shy-fully trusts whatever Faris says.


The sun sinks into a purple surf while Rohain floats from darkness back into the shore of the conscious, drained from hunger. Slinging his crossbow under shoulder and casting a fallen shadow of recuperation against aged floorboards he lays out a sheet, food and medical supplies. Meditating after his meal, the warrior hears voices approach the cabin... Nothing can be seen through the limited openings of the window by this hour.

Returning, voices acknowledge damage to the door.

"Swine! Someone found him."

"The basement."

Rohain says to himself in a disappointed tone.

Clanking of heavy chains, creaking and descending voices sound up through the floors. Rohain stealthily makes his way down weapon drawn. Muffled voices and obscure groans gain clarity by each step closer to the stench of urine, mature rot and dried blood.

"Now now, we thought you had managed to get a message out to your little friends. Fortunately for us, that is not the case."

"Oh don't you worry about that pretty little whore, Harren is still out with the dogs, he'll find your little girlfriend. There's nowhere for her to go out here."

Another voice adds.

A muffled voice makes sounds of distress. Rohain stands aside the door listening in before a move.

"Four voices; three hostile, one hostage."

Rohain jumps in, crossbow knocked from his hands by a club from the right of the door. Reaching for his dagger dodging a second blow he counters through the throat. Booting the afront assailant sending him through the air Rohain's hands lock a crude bladed tool mid attack, locking vengeful eyes through the slits of his helmet sending his blade up the chin, pulling out and pushing the corpse on the floor with contempt.

Dancing shadows reveal the main wall is riddled with strange symbols carved in recently and roughly. Tools wall mounted are covered in rust and stinking dried blood. Piles of old rope, broken clutter and insects. The muffled voices belong to a man harnessed to the central table below a swinging oil lamp. Rohain looks at the young man and cuts away the dirty bloody cloth tied around his mouth. The man's teeth have been snapped out, his ears sawn off, nose snipped, face swollen and burned from boiling water mixed with salts and grit.

"Who could do something like this?"

Rohain asks in disgust.

"Aey capture me ann Daniella. She manged tu scape praise God..."

Rohain looks at the stump where the hostages leg aught to be.

"...luukh wha aey au uo me!"

"How long have you been here?"

"Fowa aay, eigh? Sam peepul cowe me. My legg..."

is replied as Rohain cuts him free.

"Focus. What did they want with you?"

Seeing himself in the reflective armour, Sam outcries

"Wha ha aey dun uo me? Why aie ahey au hiss? I'm juss a isherrmun. My fayce, .. I'm a mowsterr!"

"You're no monster, the people who did this are."

"Howw aie yuu kno I waa err?"

"I wasn't looking for you. I was told people disappear around here. I thought maybe somebody I knew was responsible."

The Fisherman looks at his hand which once was normal.

"How caa I work wi ese ike hans?"

Sam ask, showing he no longer has fingers, only rotting wounds.

Sam feels faint from starvation and fatigue, stumbling in pronouncements and chain of thought. Only so much can be done the warrior worries. Rohain presents to Sam's dried out lips preserved grilled chicken but Sam, as hungry as he is, lacks the ability to bite it. He moans in frustration and the pain of realisation that this is his life now, the life of a freak without an ability to even complete the most basic of human task anymore. Rohain feeds Sam the washed blueberries he picked early that morning followed by water from his lucky silver canteen.

"Danq you. Uwh haa yuu?"

"Do you live far or know a doctor nearby?" Rohain asks while standing Sam up to get him out.


Screams Sam as a hay hook pierces through his stomach.

The sadistic assailant kicked against the wall had managed to come back around. Rohain moves in, dodging a swing attack with the large hook, pinning him by the throat against the wall with his left hand. Right hand reaching to his waist, Rohain pulls his dagger out, pressing the release switch, opening the blade into a three prong parry dagger and hatefully continuously thrusts it into the sicko's face and drops him dead.

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