Ch. 55 - Brawl

Jackson and Rosalia crawled atop the wagon, using every ounce of strength they could muster. The high speed of the train hindered their advance greatly.

Not only that, but they also had little time, either. The train quickly approached a tunnel which barely had any space for them to crawl through. The slightest mistake would cost them.

With Jackson at the front, leading the way, Rosalia followed as best she could. The injury on her arm slowed her down a great deal as the pain kept her from making advancements.

Despite that, the ruby-eyed girl didn’t complain. She gritted her teeth and fought through it. There were times, though, when she put too much pressure on it and the pain made her shriek.

Although Jackson couldn’t hear her with the wind blasting in his ears, he monitored her through the corners of his eyes. When he would notice this, he would deliberately slow down his pace to let her catch up.

Jackson and the girl had traveled most of the way on top of the cart before the peopl
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