No, you have to stop it
Mia went on searching Capt. Zedarh’s cave of treasures for the missing piece of Galagus’s hands of time but it was nowhere to be found. She looked from pile to pile but there was no sign of it. Just then a strange feeling came over her and she stopped for a moment and looked into herself. She felt not like herself; like she had to remind herself that she was her. She then touched her face and her body to feel if it was still her, and looked down at her hands; there wasn’t a clear difference but there was something different about her and she could feel it like the clothes on her body.

“Uh Dalagus?” she called out to him.

“Yes Mia,” Dalagus responded; with him and the others still holding the hands of time apart.

“I uh . . . I think something’s wrong.”

“Yes and we’re trying to fix it. Find the piece quickly Mia, the world is wasting away, we don’t have much time. Hurry!”

“No, with me, I think there’s something wrong with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“What’s going on Dalhamavaughn, fi
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