Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Sunbus requested his drink, as usual; Genevieve had already poisoned the drink; she went into his chamber and asked for the presence of Teresa and her friend; he knew for sure his getting the powers of Zangles.

 Genevieve and Teresa entered the chamber, and he locked the door as usual with his powers; they looked at themselves when they saw the poison did not affect him. The look on Teresa's face was that I told you it wouldn't work, but Genevieve gave her a sign that it would work out perfectly fine.

Sunbus ask them if he's going to use his powers to strip them naked this time around, but they fake a smile, and Genevieve replies saying, "Master, that won't be necessary anymore, we are already used to you, and all we want is you alone." he smiled.

They started taking off their clothes, and Genevieve hid the knife inside her clothes as Teresa went to Sunbus first to distract him. Genevieve joined them; he bent Genevieve and penetrated her at once; she screamed but tried bearing the pains in other not to push him or fight him so that this time around, he won't use his powers on them. 

He then left her and started thrusting Teresa when Genevieve assumed he had been distracted, and she brought out the knife and stabbed him in the back, but unfortunately for her, Sunbus used his powers to pin them both on the bed. He laughed aloud, "Foolish mortals, do you think putting poison in my drink will kill me? Of cause not; it can't even work on me cause I am not a mortal like you."

Teresa's heart was beating very fast; Genevieve was already sweating and still in shock. "I noticed when you came into my chamber that you felt disappointed that I am not dead, am I right?" He got no response from both of them, and he slapped them both and requested an answer as they started crying and shaking, and Teresa answered, "Yes, you are right."

"Good, you decided to strip naked by yourselves without me using my powers on you, as usual, you," he pointed at Teresa, and fear gripped her all over again. Hot sweat gathered on her forehead, she thought he would kill her using just his fingers, but he kept walking.

"You decided to come to me first to have you so I won't see the knife you hid on your clothes, but I decided to penetrate your friend first; how can you both be so stupid, using a knife on an immortal,"

 He turned around, and they saw he wasn't bleeding, and in their own eyes, the knife faded away, and they both opened their mouths in shock, truly an immortal.

 Teresa cried and said to Genevieve, " I warned you about this; now see the great danger we got ourselves in."

"Teresa, I am sorry; I thought it would work out perfectly; I was tired of his sex maltreatment."

Sunbus looked at them, his always on a handsome man disguise whenever he wanted to have anything with mortals; he said to them, "I am going to have you never like before, I will punish you, and you lucky you are useful to me, if not I would have killed you both instantly."

 He used his powers on them, and their legs and hands got chained, he had them one after the other, and this went on for hours; they were growing weak and tired, and when he was done with them, he took off the chains with his powers. He raised them both with his eyes; they were floating on air. He turned them upside them and warned them never to repeat such a foolish act, else he will dry up their blood and make their bodies fade, and in fear and tears, they nodded in agreement never to carry out such an act again.

He dropped them down, and they thanked him for giving them another chance; as they were about to leave, he brought them close and said, "I want both of you in my chamber when the atmosphere gets dark." they nodded and he then used his powers to unlock the door, and they left.

 He started laughing, "weak creatures, why are the guards taking so long to get me the bracelet? If they don't have the bracelet, I wish they have the wisdom not to return here without it cause I won't be giving them another chance; they better not return to me empty-handed. Moreover, my death recuirt make it easier."

Lux tried looking for Ravi but couldn't find him, he asked around, but he was told he walked with someone through a path, he thanked the person, luckily he saw Ricci, and he asked her, she responded saying, "I saw him with a stranger but he claims the person is his friend and also a hunter like him, I won't lie to you, I don't trust that stranger a bit,"

Lux asked, "Do you know where they went?"

she answered, saying, "no."

Lux asked her if she could make him see the past to know if the person was telling Ravi the truth.

She said, "Yes, it's possible, that just do as I say, look deep in my eyes and recite this word I am about to say."

 He did as she said, and her eyes changed, and he saw what took place not quite long since it's now in the past, he noticed Ravi's friend was lying, and he was here to kill him, and he told Ricci in a high tone, "he's lying, he came here to kill Ravi and to collect his bracelet,"

"Let's look for Ravi now; he will be in great danger." they signal others, and they finally saw Ravi, but he was about to get hit with the weapon when Ricci blew air towards the direction, and it iced the weapon, and it got broken, and Ravi saw this and asked his friend, "why? How did you grow the heart to kill me?"But instead of answers, he hit Ravi, and the others came out with him and attacked the Crystallites and the trustworthy, while Jon's kept on fighting Ravi.

The Crystallite brought out her sword and started killing those that attacked her while Lux turned upside down and gave them a kick that landed them on the ground. Ravi couldn't hit his friend; he was still at a loss, thinking that his only true friend wanted to kill him, "I am sorry, Ravi," Jon's said, "his going to kill me if I don't do this, just allow me to have the bracelet, and I will tell him you are dead and we all can be free and be able to breathe."

Ravi grew angry when his friend mentioned the bracelet, "Jon's, I can protect you, and no harm will come near you if you stop this and join us,"

 "And if I don't?" he asked; Ravi breathed and said, "Then let's face what fate has," Jon was so desperate to kill his friend, but Ravi ended up killing him, and the fight was over.

Ricci started telling the people to go straight to the temple that the place they were was no longer safe.

They heard voices and turned around only to see dead recuirt coming out from the dead guard; Lux asked," what the hell is this?"

" How fwish, I know," said Ravi. Ricci responded, "I don't know either, but I need to hide the temple now with my powers."

Lux called their attention," they are coming after us." and they got prepared to attack them, only for them to see their weapons did not affect them. One of the dead required raised Lux and hit him to the ground, and he started bleeding.

"Oh no, Lux is hurt," Ricci noticed they were after Ravi, she tried to protect him, but the recruit held her and overpowered her, spun her, and landed on the ground and felt pain,s.

 Ravi tried using his fist to fight them, he got the first one that landed on the ground, but he never expected kicks from them all, and blood came out from their mouth, and he landed on the ground again; he screamed and felt pains.

Lux saw this and gathered enough strength, and he stood up and attacked the,m same as Ricci, she used her Crystallites bomb at them, and they fell to the ground, Lux powers access to the sword he was holding, and he fought them with it. They lost; they got excited thinking they had defeated them, never knew it made them grow more significant and intense; the recruit took Ricci from the ground and gave her a blow on her stomach as she groaned in pain, she was hit on the floor with full force. It affected her that she could barely stand.

 Lux tried turning down as usual in his fight when he noticed his legs were seized, and they rolled him in the air. He landed in front of one of the recruits. They struck him that he started getting very weak and tired, he saw them going to Ravi, probably to collect the bracelet, and Ravi tried fighting them. Still, they severely injured him as blood started rushing out from the wounded spot; he screamed in pain, same with the Crystallites and trustworthy.

The dead require started walking to where Ravi got beaten and almost lifeless; he said to himself, "it was my fate to locate them, Sunbus after me and death waiting for me here, this is bad, I am so helpless, I can't even protect them both, my trustworthy companion and the Crystallites. "

Lux screamed out," Ricci, they are after the bracelet. What are we going to do? "

"If Sunbus gets it, we are doomed," the recruit was about taking off the bracelet when the place became smoking of gold dust that no one could see through it; when it became more apparent, Ricci, Lux, and Ravi were gone same with the temple, where could they have gone to? The dead require went back o the ground again to deliver the news to Sunbus.

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